Who can doubleflip?

A double flip or normal one?

Double. I’ve been trying to land it since I learned regular ones a couple months ago.

wow, nice! film it.

scratches head. doesnt fully believe, demands video

are you ppl stupid ? this guy if full of shit… no one ever even hoped a 16 on a uni…

seems like a crankflip would be easier on a smaller unicycle though, wouldn’t it?
because the wheel doesn’t need to spin as fast.

Its lighter and would be easier to get to spin fast. Also the really short cranks might add to that.

exactly…so I don’t see why they don’t believe him.

Probably because double flips are really hard and noone has really heard of that guy. We usually tend to know about people that are really good. I believe him though, what good does it do to lie about what you can do on a unicycle to strangers on the internet?

hmm, yes, good point. but I’m sure theres some great unicyclists out there who don’t post on here.

i’v never seen KH on the forums.

I have. His name is Danger_uni.

oh shizzle… thought he ment 16 stairs… I take that back…

chuck can do a triple flip. well ok but he can ride.

Shaun can do a triple flip.

can he now? lets see a video.


i remember what you did to me last time… not clicking.

If I am ever that good I will be in a constant state of crapping my pants.

Its a real link this time.