Who are the 'Masters of unicycling' then?

a new female vid from hannah kreisz, germany: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eMXw29KJuGc

!!George Peck!!

You should rewatch UNiVERsE 1, or if you don’t have it, you should buy it. The video that pretty much made everything that a lot of us do now possible… it has some bike trials in it. How can we expect bikers to support what we do if we don’t support them too?

Kevin McMullin

dang dude… thats the best chick i seen ride street/trials

Yeah, aside from a couple of Amanda’s vids, this is the only vid I’ve seen w/ only one female rider, definately more skill than in Amanda’s vids (but they were made a while ago and now may be better than this woman), and equal in skill, if not better, to pretty much everything in the All Girls Trials Video, also made by Amanda.

Edit: Uni Girls vid

A couple more excelent freestylers that should be mentioned are Ryan Woessner (sp) and Amy Shields.

Yall missin 2 names…Adam Ryznar, and Spencer Hochberg yo!!!

Ha, you missed me… im not on youtube though - they said i was so good they had to take it off…
Nar, seriously, im just playin.

Sem Abrahams

How many of the afore mentioned riders have great poetry written for them?

I are Sem. Sem I are.
I do not need a handlebar.
I do not like them on a bike.
I do not like them on a trike.
I do not like the look of them,
I do not need them. I are Sem.
I do not need two wheels and brake.
I turn and stop, a piece of cake.
I do not need a fork at all
I pedal hundred ten feet tall.
I’m one wheel famous near and far.
I are Sem. Sem I are.

I learned to ride, when just a tyke
Upon a twenty two foot trike
Built up by my weird uncle Sam
(of fame for his dislike of ham)
who, it turns out, was very near
to be the worlds worst engineer.
Three wheeled contraptions he designed
while other things were on his mind,
and didn’t notice as he drew
a safety factor of point two.
His 3-D CAD-CAM software suite,
Bought from a con-man off the street,
Was compiled backwards on the sly,
miscalculating R squared pi.
His stress analyses were lacking -
The long thin frame was ripe for cracking.
The chosen fasteners were frail,
the structure soon would flex and fail.
G D & T and shy E M
Were just concepts foreign to him.
Therefore, the welds were insecure;
The bolted joints would not endure.

And when in midst of the construction
He was beset by interruption.
And so, a fatal thing he did,
Subbed to a vendor with low bid
Who’d laid off people by the dozens
And hired the owners inbred cousins
Who didn’t know left hand from right
And mis-drilled every hole in sight.
Although it was not their intention,
doomed was this three wheeled invention.

But up I climbed onto the beast
No reservations in the least,
Off now to join the triker gang
When the first joint failed with a bang.
The left rear wheel attached no longer.
The right, it turns out, was no stronger.
I couldn’t steer it if I chose
Because the headset bearings froze.
No matter that, the bars, I’d found
Had broke and fallen to the ground.
I’d barely reached the drivers seat
When my ride became dis-complete.
What I had was a trike no more
But something never seen before –
A cycle stripped of useless bling,
A one wheel deal, a uni-thing.

So I was somehow balanced there
Some twenty two feet in the air
And how I learned to stay upright -
A story that would take all night –
We’ll leave that for another time
And after I’ve composed the rhyme.
So listen, children close and not,
I say with all the oomph I got:
You don’t need no handlebar!
I are Sem, Sem I are.

-Doc Uniseuss

That was great! :sunglasses:

How could we forget Sem Abrahams?!