Where to buy unicycles in Bangkok and/or New Delhi?


I am wondering if anyone has any leads as to where I could buy a unicycle in either Bangkok, Thailand or New Delhi, India?

Kris Holm doesn’t have any dealers in Thailand or India. However, I would be interested in pretty much anything I can find.

Thanks for any ideas.


I am pretty sure you cannot buy unicycles in India. I am not sure about Thailand but if you are in Thailand, maybe you could buy one from UDC Korea and ship it over. Singapore has a Qu-ax dealer (I think…) that may ship to Thailand.

I actually did email a few of the bigger bike shops in Bangalore and Mumbai and I even emailed 2 guys who ride unis in Mumbai. The bike shops had nothing and the 2 guys bought their unis through relatives in the US of A .I guess Denali’s idea is the best


Thanks for the thoughts.
I guess I will try to bring one back on one of my next international trips to a unicycle-stocked country.
I imagine me riding a unicycle around town would be quite a unusual scene in small town India!

Yeah it’d be quite a scene, I personally have never seen unicycles when I lived in India, but Denali here has ridden in India(in Delhi was it?), guess he’d tell you what it was like :slight_smile:
Also,a few guys from the forum had ridden in India last year, check out this website to see their pics
Anyway have a good time while you’re there.

Hi centralvalley, I’ll be also going to India around may for a year. I’ll be in new delhi if you wanna ride. i was also thinking in buying a big wheel over there, but I think it’s going to be tough.

Let us know how your search is going:)

I live in Bangkok and bought a unicycle in a small shop in Fortune Town on Ratchadapisek Rd. near Asoke.

However, if anyone has any leads on other shops in Bangkok with unicycles or any unicycling clubs, please let me know.


No idea if this restaurant, Suan Arahan Kratorn, still exists, but it was in Bangkok and the waiters there unicycled flaming catapulted chickens to the diners. If anyone knows where to get unicycles in Bangkok, someone there will.

These guys might be able to help you. I think they are in Singapore.


Hi, I just finished riding Mumbai to Goa. I want to teach some folks in Mumbai. Can you tell me the guys you emailed in Mumbai that ride. Thanks!

I anyone from Thailand still on this forum? I will go to TH for a month this August to visit my wife’s family and instead of bringing along a uni, I could also buy one in Thailand. If only I knew where to go.

Non-helpful story:
My unicycle went to Bangkok without me. I don’t know why. It was supposed to end up in HongKong with me but nooooo. Took a day for it to catch up so I could ride around HK with Steve Dressler in 1998. :slight_smile:

That was my old 24" Miyata, which I still have. The only remaining original parts on it at this point are the bearing holders and the fork. Everything else has been replaced or modified over the years. I rode it to my Guinness 100m record at Unicon III in 1987, and it almost got stolen at Unicon X in China. I actually met the thief, who I thought was just carrying it down from the grandstand because it was the end of the day at the track. She looked very surprised when I took it from her and said thank you. Only later did I find out my skinny Track uni was already gone…

I got in contact with some Thai on facebook. Two of them have unicycle shops in Bangkok. I will just buy a cheap 24" uni from them. I just want something to make exploring the countryside, where the parents of my wife live, easier than having to walk everywhere. They showed a very cheap unicycle from China for 3600 THB. It is no doubt very far from the quality of QuAx, Nimbus and KH, but that should be ok. Having a uni is better than having no uni.

Originally my thought was just to have a 24 unicycle in my suitcase together with my clothes. I once measured it and unassembled it should fit just fine. There is no need to buy a separate unicycle bag or something.