What's your Unicycle's name

right there^

but i don’t think tom has an 8" wheel

well technically its 12 inch, but that because of the tyre. the rim is 8"s. plus its also chained up at school. plus it is really owens.

yeah it is mine.

it’s such a bodge rim.

when are we giving it to scotty?

i dunno. i may need that axle though. i still have the old one to put on it. though it has a slight cut in it.

from where it got worn down cause we rode 10km on it with no bearings?

hey you thread-Jackers are jacking my thread

your mom:D

My first uni was a no name shonky $70 australian 20 inch that I called ‘Peanutbutter’.

Why? whats peanut butter made from?

Crushed nuts.

Peanut butter lasted less than 2 week before the crank would become lose and was never able to tighten up (stripped thread).

My next uni was a Trials one… I haven’t given it a name yet but a friend suggested ‘Crunchie’ as in crunchie peanut butter. But I dont get the soreness I did when I was a beginner so its going without a name for now.

I call mine Fluffy… thought about sticking fur on her but I think the hopping’s gonna get it dirty… will probably paint her pink and silver soon…

My 2 wheeler is called Lindsay. Someone I work with said I should call my little unicycle Lindsay. I told her I’d call the 2 wheeler Lindsay because its a right pain in the arse to ride. She wasnt too impressed.

The unicycle I just bought my friend for her birthday is named Gordon after the Gin. I wont go into details about the incident involving Gin. Lets just say it was months ago and she’s still apologising :slight_smile:

mines cald brouno big stroung name lol

Felix … hence the writing under the avatar :sunglasses:

My custom KH 20" is called Nicole.

My 26" Muni is Snot Rocket

24" Torker CX w/ knobby - Mr. T (I kind of blinged it out a little)
20" Nimbus II - Sophie
Torker TX 5’ giraffe - Titus
20" Miyata Flamingo - Priscilla

and as seen on www.unicyclemax.com
36" Corker “The Big One” Deluxe - Captain Pasquale

My Current junked uni’s name is Clampy after the beatup toyota featured in 4wheeler magazine

My uni’s names doger!:smiley:

my Coker’s name is Richard Parker, after the tiger in Life of Pi.

My uni’s name is Izbalansirati