What's the biggest injury that you incured unicycling (sorry ;)?

broke my foot attempting a 10 set gap :frowning: :frowning:

LMAO! Should I even begin to start…The broken foot I jsut read, ya done that, a couple times, broke both my feet, (not the same time though) broke both ankles(again not the tame time), broken 5 fingers, a rib, a tailbone, a nose too :-D, I was gonna say cracked my knee cap but i just realized that was on the pogo stick lol, chipped shins of course, stitches…Ohh and I used to sprain my ankle at least once every couple of months…I almost always had a limp, and my left ankle is permanantly bigger than my right thanks to so many sprains…hyper extensions on some joints and ligiments…So0o0o0o Do I win yet :wink:

The Darwin award perhaps. :roll_eyes: :stuck_out_tongue:

Lol, lets see, I think my worst is a broken toe. Other than that its been bloody cuts and a few sprains. I cant think of any others right now.

I once dislocated my shoulder and arms in 4 places once while learning to stand on a giraffe seat that my friends could do, to which they said was easy and it wasn’t. :angry:

sprained ankle and wrist. Not too bad concidering I’ve ripped my knee open on a sofa!

I ripped my sack when I slipped on a wet log.

It hurt.

:astonished: did you balls fall out?


The only thing that happened to me was the only time i didnt have my shin guards on. The pedal made a small round hole on my shin.
But anyway, no big injuries

I jumped onto a really steep rock and the tired slipped off. I smashed my chin on it and split it open. I could see my bone! It sucked. I wasnt allowed to ride for a few days. :angry:

Cody diagnoses his own injuries so its not all right, i dont think you would be able to ride at moab if your knee cap was really cracked.

i was riding to school on my 6’ uni and i stopped at this intersecion, waited for the cars to stop then started riding across. when i got right in front of this one car he just gunned it and hit the front of my wheel and i went down spinning really fast and when i landed my ancle broke into two pieces, it was cool, i didnt even really feel it, not sure why though.

Last saturday of the semester I was celebrating not having any exams until the middle of the following week with a little unicycling before going out. I was in a parking lot right after I had learned to hop trying to do 180s off parking blocks when somehow the uni slipped out from under me really fast and I landed on my chin before I could get my hands out to take the fall. At first I was worried about my neck/jaw, but after I realized they were fine I noticed the blood pouring out of my chin. Spent four hours in the ER and ended up getting 11 stitches which have now turned into a sweet scar, not quite how I envisioned spending my last Saturday of Freshman year.

Haha. No. It wasn’t that big…
Here’s the hole it made in my pants. I patched it up to preserve it as best I could.

pants 002.jpg

this was a while ago, and it gives me no problems anymore, but similar to jackie’s (goats_on_unicycles) injury mine involes my testicles, I was rolling hopping a 4 stair(more like a 5 but still a 4) and I screwed up the landing and a few months later my right testicle was twice the size of the other one, and I went to the doctor the get it looked at and he said that if I had done anymore damage to it before seeing him it could have exploded. so I had surgery for it and they drained all the fluid out like a giant cyst.

countless sprained wrists, ankles, pedal bites and bruised knees. i don’t have one specific worst.

fell twice on my hands. first time without protection and it put me out for a week with a sprained wrist.
this morning i came down on my hands ,but i now use KH gloves and it was
no problem.

Every single time I’ve injured myself unicycling is after I haven’t been riding for awhile and when I come back my confidence outstripped my ability. Broke a toe that way and bruised or slightly cracked some ribs another time.

Well I outdid myself Last weekend, Saturday the 14th to be exact. Hadn’t gone for a serious ride for a couple weeks and took the Coker out for a short ride. Coming up a hill I decided to get aggressive and keep my speed up and took a spill; don’t know why but I wasn’t able to get my feet under me and landed on my right hip.

Femoral neck fracture. Major bummer. Hurt, but not bad enough that I didn’t walk (make that severely limp) home. Wise girlfriend talked me into going into the hospital that night. Got screws the next morning. Home now and quite pain free, but 10-15lb limit on that foot for six weeks. :frowning:

You can barely see a shadow that’s the fracture about half way down the screws. What looks like a fracture about a third of the way down from the screw heads isn’t. Two tiny incisions is all I ended up with since they were able to do a closed reduction, so they didn’t have to lay the joint open to align the bones.


what are of the body is the Femoral neck at, the hip?


Ouch, sticking a needle in my balls sounds worse… I’m assuming he used a needle.

I’m hoping that by studying how all these injuries happen, I can avoid injury.

I know most unicyclists somehow manage to avoid injury.