what are your favorite animals?

what are your favorite animals?
i vote for goats 'cause Goats iz Koole.

pig beacause pork tastes good.

llamas are also very cool

i agree with you on llamas. have you heard “The Llama Song” by Burton Earnie? here’s a link.http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/llama

why yes, yes i have.

i was riding down the road the other day near my house, lo and behold there was a little enclosure, with freakin lamas!!! i was like wtf how long have they been there?

monkeys, chimps, and orangutans

MATE, i live in the middle of nowhere so there are all these farms and all of them have llamas! it’s so sick! I ride my muni by about 5 llamas whenever i go to the library.

Primates are koole too

i think you should invest in a pet llama

Me too but i don’t have enough $$$ or space but i just bought a GOAT from somone who has lotsa llamas(the same ones i ride by) but none for sale.

goats are so cool

Snakes, insects, spiders… Not keen on anything that just stands there looking fluffy.


I like lemers, and kittens, and dogs, and hedgehogs, and snakes, and a lot fo other stuff lol.

Starfish are pretty cool. You don’t need to feed them and they move really slowly, plus they’re fun to watch when they are moving.

Although when they die of old age it gets a bit icky. They just kind of… fall apart.

hey you forgot octopussy:p !

I like fluffy things: Binturong is a must!

Axolotls are cool because they refuse to grow up.


Many others (I consider myself an animal lover, but unfortunately my room is too small to get an animal)


Many others.

I wike wittle bunnies, kitties, puppies. And ittle wittle koalas, and pandas. And specially wittle teenie weenie baby wittle chimpanzees.

