I also dig ornery looking varmints… well, sort of … not at all
…and baby chickens
and kittens
Ducks for sure…
Catboy likes dogs?? i didnt know.
cows because cows are a very good animal. they give use dairy products, meat, leather, horns, and much more
Rottweillers - because despite their fearsome reputation, they are usually big soft and combine intelligence and daftness in equal measure.
Least favourite animal: most humans.
The monotremes.
You just said that because you think we will all need to go google it.
And to W Bear: Thankyou, I did indeed forget. How could I?
harpers my favourite animal
loris < Those primates with HUGE eye balls
animals are so indredibly diverse, i think that’s what makes them so interesting.
I’m always fascinated by people who know more about me than I do about myself. What could be cuter that a baby platypus or more intriguing than an egg laying mammal?
I think one of the most fascinating creatures on earth is the Praying Mantis. What an effecient predator it is! And very intelligent for an insect.
Most of my other favorite animals are awesome predators too.
Birds of prey
And I also love turtles.
i could have sworn that after mating the female praying mantis eats the head off the male? seriously.
i like the sloth. sloths are cool. imagine sloth hunting, it would be like deer hunting in extreme slow motion.
I have a guy who works with me that I nicknamed “sloth”. He’s really slow!
You are correct about the female mantis, but only if she’s hungry! I guess if the male was smart, he would wait until she ate before trying to do her. But the male dies shortly after mating anyway so why not go out in blaze of glory!
geeze it sucks to be a male praying mantis, like really
male goats have it better off.
my favorite animalsd are
hee hee power to the females!
WHOA you’re a female too? geeze i’m suddenly finding out all these people are female, it’s weird, i just assumed they were guys (sorry).
anyway, the only way females get power is by eating her parter after intercourse, hmmmm, enough said.
how about your favorite plants?
i vote for rotting corpse plant because they iz KOOLE!
I like this little furry, 2" tall winged creature that constantly follows me around wherever I go…Oddly, nobody else seems to see it but me!