WANTED: Unicon X UNiVERsE showing pics


I’m looking for any photos (or video) from the UNiVERsE video showing at Unicon X.

If you have anything, could you please send me a private message or an email at dan (at) sykoproductions (dot) com.

Thank you,

Here’s mine. There you are in the front, giving me the evil eye! Also I see Colin Schworer on the scooter and, in the front row, Dana Schneider (Wigert) Jamey Mossengren, Ryan Wood, tiny Beau, Nathan, Grace and Bruce Bundy. Behind them I recognize Kris Holm, Diane Gilbertson, Lars Lottrup, Julien Monney, Gilby, Leo V. and Josue Barreto. Quite the audience!

Sorry, I owe you a response to your email but haven’t made the time to dig around in old stuff to find the film-based photos and other materials you were asking about…

The original of this one is 1280 x 960; not much bigger than this example.