Vintage Uni video 1967!

Well the cool thing is, I ride much better now then way back then; In fact yesterday, I landed my first kick-up mount, and crank grab to rubber! To paraphrase a reality show, “it appears that age is not a factor!” :smiley:

So where’s the picture of the women, to show us how old you really are?

And how is it fair that you seem to have more hair than I had at half your age?

Sweet video man! Thank you for sharing it. It looked like fun to be unicycling in '67.

You really don’t loook 51,

Unfair indeed, I’m 27 and you’ve got more hair than me! I’ve been receding since age 21 !!!


Don’t lie, you look 35…

Whjere are these women?

Um…Creative camera angle?:smiley:

Here’s one. We went out for about eight years while I was a Club Disk Jockey.:smiley:


You’ve made a pact with the devil, haven’t you?
Or do you have a painting of yourself upstairs that’s really old and haggard?

Just call me “Dorian”:wink: By the way, Ilike your avatar; That’s one of my favorite movies! ("Buckle up, Bonehead!) Is that from “Army of darkness”, Or ED ll?

that’s great!

It’s Army of Darkness, when ‘good’ Ash pokes Mr. Shotgun under the nose of ‘bad’ Ash.
Interstingly (or not, to non-deadites) there are two versions of the end of that scene. One for the US - “Good, bad, I’m the one with the gun.” and one for the UK - “I ain’t that good.”
Great films. :smiley:

Love it!

this very nice video is now also avauliable at
Thanks a lot Terry

Thanks Olarf! That’s cool!:smiley: