Vancouver, BC-Street Weekend )--( X )

The guy was Max from edmonton.

I would like to download this high quality please.
Since when am I known as “Calgary”:slight_smile:

Are you sure thats ‘street’? I didn’t spot a crank flip anywhere :slight_smile:
Great job!! Thanks for putting that together.
The only things I didn’t like were the rain, and the fish eye lens. Please make the rain stop.

Are you sure thats ‘street’? I didn’t spot a crank flip anywhere :slight_smile:

Watch it again.

Yeah seriously, there were a good few crankflips in there. Whats with you picking on all the street videos about crankflips recently phthoruth?

I saw a good mix of street and trials line it there. =p

Anyways, I had a dream of being at VSW just last night. It was a pretty sweet dream. lol

yeah it was a pretty fun weekend. Turned out only being 3 street riders there and the rest were freestyle and trials. all in all it was still a great time. Id like to see more street riders at the next one.

Great videos, I liked the 2nd part best, had a lot of good lines in it both trials and street, I liked that one ledge grind down the slant in part 2, that was awsome.

I never had any idea who was who the whole time, the titles at the beginning were unreadable, and half the time it was too dark to see who it was anyway…

All that water looked like it really sucked, I hate riding in water…

Great video Justin,

I loved some of Danni’s lines the ‘rail’ by the water especially.

For the next one give us a bit more notice and hopefully I can get some more free time… And who knows if there’s enough notice maybe I’ll be able to learn a street trick :slight_smile:

lol, well you got the idea from the video of what was happening, doesnt really matter who it was:D the riders knew who they were:)

the rain sucked, and i guess ill give a months notice next time rathers then 2-3weeks notice.

I forgot to give you ‘props’ on the editing Justin. The black and white to color stuff was subtle and looked great. Also you some how made it look like I fell, I don’t remember that happening… must be some hi-tech special effect…

Could have used a bit less fish eye, but it’s a good way to keep your lens dry :slight_smile: