Hey, thanks for the welcome guys…and sorry about being so quiet. I guess I am the watch and learn type. Say, and I have learned sooo much from you all. What an awesome group of people you are! Very motivating and knowledgeable. I am a better rider becasue of it…and make wiser unicycle choices for sure. Thanks!!!
Interesting discussion. You made excellent points there John. It is a lot about economics and opportunity.
My observations are that a similar situation exists in the UK juggling/unicycling community. Apart from myself, I have seen maybe about 3 or 4 other asian jugglers, no black people at all. I would stress there is no racial divide in the community, and I have always been treated properly by all. It just has to be a cultural thing. Statistically the numbers are way down, but I find no sinister reason for it. People are just doing other things.
I suspect that it will only take one or two to try, and be seen as cool, to change the dynamics quite quickly.
I know some unicycling clubs in he cities draw from all walks of life race and creed and have a multi-ethnic and multi-class membership. Memphis Unicycle club is one. I wager the NYC club is like that, too.
In our group of unicyclists there are three black individuals (call me what you will, I’m not calling them African-Africans).
Charles is originally from Rwanda. Owen from Zimbabwe and Bongani is South African. They’re all working street-performers who’ve picked up unicycling as part of their acts along the way. Charles works with two bicycles with detachable front wheels and frames. One normal size, one 6ft raffie size. They’ve all played UniHoki with us and rode rings around most of us. There seems to be something to be said for a life on the street. I’ve worked at a couple of gigs with both Charles and Owen and have juggled Mills Mess with three balls while sitting on Owen’s shoulders while he mounted and rode a unicycle. There are a couple of other black unicyclists in some of the circus school projects around South Africa, specifically ZipZap and the African Dream Circus, a product of Cirque Du Mond and regular attendees at our juggling convention.
But I don’t know of a single, black ‘hobby-unicyclist’.
I have never met an African American unicyclist, nor have I ever knowingly met a white Amercian unicyclist. That is because like many of the people in this forum, I am a European, living in Europe.
I attach an a map optimised for the more parochial members of our American readership:
So it’s OK to say “white dominated” but you can’t say “black”? How does that work?
An “African American”? Does that assume that all blacks are Africans, and some are lucky enough also to be American? One of my best friends at work is black, and regards herself as Jamaican: she was born in Jamaica. I’ve never heard her mention Africa. She even regards Trinidad as as a different culture from her own.
And as for Asians. I spoke to a workmate today who categorised herself as Pakistani, not Asian when I asked her directly. So on that basis, rather than African Americans, maybe you should subdivide into Namibian Americans, Nigerian Americans, etc.
Or do Americans ask each other, “Excuse me, y’all (or “Buddy” if in New York) but are you African, or Caribbean, or were you and your parents and grandparents born in America, Europe, or one of the other continents? I only need to know so I can classify you politely.”
Alternatively, why are white Americans apparently never called “Northern European Americans”? It would make equal sense.
Oh for the big melting pot of America. Aren’t you all just Americans?
I dont know about the split, I’m a black guy and I’ve been unicycling almost a year (well maybe closer to 8 months). I thought maybe other unicyclists were transparent since I’ve never run into another living soul that rides one. not face to face anyway. But I have gotten the bug in a bad way and I want to start training this year to ride in the Dallas MS150 next year (the 2007 ride no way I’ll have enough endurance in the saddle to be able to ride this years).
listen here ass munch you dont live in america you dont know so dont come here wit your "arent you all just americans " bs you dont know, there are (in the south) white, spics ,and ni9ggers, (in the north) whites mexicans and african americans american you f%^&n nottingham punk straight up from the usa
i personnaly dont like it when people say african american, because nowadays black has bedcome a racial comment. sometimes when i here it too much i ask (or demand) to be called a europian american, its only fair.
Thank you, my friend, for giving all americans the label of racist jackasses…
Mike makes a good point…we all are americans…if you’re going to be racist, move to siberia…just get the hell out of my country
It’s supposed to be political correctness. But the problem with being PC is that it’s impossible to make everyone happy.
As I understand it, “African American” is supposed to be the accepted term today to talk about American people (assumed to be) of African descent. This most likely includes Black Jamaicans as their ethnic origins are in Africa, but not white (non-black?) Jamaicans, who may originate from England.
In the 1960s, the common term was “negro.” I believe that word is pretty old, but that the very offensive “nigger” derives from it. So there was a popular movement in the late 60s/early 70s to stop using that word. Most black Americans wanted to be called “black.”
But black is a color, not a person (same as white of course). People of African descent come in every possible color. And why be separated out if your family has been in the country for over 200 years, and your “white” neighbor is only 3rd generation?
So “African American” is supposed to be the currently best-acceptable name for black people in America.
I use that sometimes.
Yes we are. Now if we can better act the part. So-called Americans need to be frequently reminded that we Americans come in every color and nationality there is.