Got that, just not the connection to unicycles.
My guess is the unicycle was chosen (by a non-rider) to represent the difficulty of the act of staying above poverty. I personally find it ridiculous, but such is political commentary.
My brother-in-law smiths in his spare tiime. He made this for me a couple of years back from old railroad tie nails as a Christmas present.
These look great! And since there are two of them, nobody will ask where the other wheel is…
They look amazing and being one offs is special
Looking back at my random find of last night, I’m thinking this might be an ‘actually used’ unicycle rather than just a prop. The seat and frame look very basic and retro, but surely the pedals and tyre are upgrades, and that could be real muni mud on the treads. I wonder if a member of the photo shoot team was a muni rider? I guess not recently or they would probably have got a better uni by now! (There’s also a spare pedal half out of shot, but that looks like a road pedal. And now I should do something more useful than speculating about the back story of random advertising photos! )
The Supreme Celestial Inspector in the video game Black Myth: Wukong rides a flaming ultimate wheel
The screenshot was my best try but still blurry, here is a video if you are interested.
this pic in “the economist” magazine this week: who is riding?
Glad to hear of other people reading The Economist.
I did a google picture search, the picture is from getty images. The answer to your question is in the description of the photo.
Was passively watching Adam’s man cave until 15:27 where I caught what was could only be a singular wheel hanging from the ceiling. Yep. Uni confirmed. Probably a griaffe.
Of course Adam could not have just one. A few more at 21:50 and a bunch of stuff online about Self-Balancing Unicycles.
It is a stock image from Unsplash. Factory direct just lifted the image from there. I doubt any of their products are actually featured.
The picture is credited to Filios Sazeides, who has a precense on Instagram, so it would be possible to find out the back story for that one. My guess is that it is his own unicycle.
Here is the same uni from another angle in one of his other photos
You are right though. There is no way this uni came with that tyres and those pedals, the owner is “properly” using this and should probably invest in a better unicycle.
P.S. Here is a close up of those extra pedals you noticed:
If you wonder how I instantly realised this was a stock image. Well… I used it myself on my employer’s blog back in 2018 when I just needed a filler image and it did not matter what it was of
Back in 2018 when I posted that I did not carry a smartphone and had very few photos of my own unicycles. These days the Vivaldi desktop blog regularly features pictures of unicycles and my penny farthing.
P.S. I checked, the last time I did it was only a little over one month ago
Thanks @ruari - I’m surprisingly pleased to think that someone has an answer to my thoroughly unnecessary speculation about the back-story to a random flooring website image. I’ve come away from this a bit disappointed with the flooring company - one for not having an avid unicyclist with a very resilient backside in their team, and two for false advertising, because that’s not going to be Smoked Oak Plank Cuchioned Vinyl in the photo, and I might have chosen to buy it on the strength of the unicycle placement.
<off-topic> Instead I have decided to install Vivaldi for Android, fully aware of their equally dubious use of unicycle photos in their product literature (and indeed their occasional suspect product placement on a certain unicycle forum ;-), but thinking it’s about time I went back to using a browser from a smaller company, having been in software development myself for the first 13 years of my career, when I was always on the look out for alternative software that didn’t come from the large companies. </off-topic>
[Edit - and I even just used a bit of that 20+ year old programming knowledge to realise I would need to put a backslash in front of a < in order for it to appear - success!]
If it helps, several people who have worked at Vivaldi can unicycle. At least two of them encouraged forced by me. Here is Vilde (who was one of our interns) on a little 16 inch I used to keep at the office to encourage colleagues.
Taken from: Vivaldi users get attached to the product | Vivaldi Browser
Here is me and another of my colleagues during a “normal” day at the office
I also have unicycle friends drop by here from time to time
In fact unicycling even features in Vivaldi Shorts/TikTok videos
Oh and we built a unicycle into the game that is bundled with the browser. Albeit not a real unicycle but a EUC due to a missunderstanding. But I’ll still take it as a compliment because I doubt it would exist if I did not work for Vivaldi
We’ll I’m enjoying using the browser already, although I haven’t done anything actually useful on it yet, and my Vivaldia is about as bad at hopping on her unicycle as I am!
I love the thought of an office that works like yours seems to - I find it hard to believe that back in the 90s I wore a tie and jacket to work most days as a 20-something year old software developer! I suppose ICL was a pretty old-school British company - when I moved to The Open Group it was much more international and more laid back