Unicycle Ornaments

Has anyone got any interesting unicycle ornaments?

I was at a Highland Cattle Show in Glasgow (on my onza 24) about 2 months ago and there was a craft tent. In it there was a woman who made “Methil Moggies” (wee cats in various “cute” poses) from clay. I asked her if she could make a unicycle one and she asked for my email.

6 weeks later I got an email saying it was ready and what is my address for postage. I got it in the post on saturday morning.

Check it out!!

(The lighter is so you can judge the size of it!)


forgot to say

I forgot to say that the best thing about this ornament is that it is unique! The very nice lady made it especially for me and she only made one! A kind of special commission if you will.



not sure if this counts as an ‘ornament’
i wear this uni-pendant a friend of mine bought for me at BUC in 2003
it’s carved from a root known as Vegetable Ivory
and it’s lost a lot of colour since i first got it
apparantly this is as a result of the fact that i’m not supposed to get it wet
it’s just too much hassle to take it off everytime i have a swim or shower


I can’t put these away even after Christmas

I have this one on my desk.
found it in a 2nd hand shop.

and this one on the kitchen window sill.

These are else where in the house.


Here is my unicycling shrine here at work. The pic is the framed and matted Coker Crossing.


This is the little Monocycle guy I got off e-bay.


Now that’s an unusual riding posture.

why uni sumo when you can uni box?

what exactly is that coker crossing?

Coker trax across a little rivulet in the sand made by the receding tide. I thought the pic was cool and is a reminder of a beautiful fall day at the beach.

Dave, is that edible? It looks like a cookie.


Here, Dave. This recipe makes about 50 of them…



and so it is
ever been any thoughts of putting that on a T-shirt?

Not until now. :sunglasses:

Here is my last ornamental unicycle, on display by the front entry. Another e-bay find, about 20" tall .

ornament uni.jpg

I have a bunch, including Brier’s “boxing” unicyclist. I got that one from Bill Karbo many years ago. Many I got from eBay, and more from much earlier. Some are one-of-a kinds and very special to me, and others very ordinary. Someday I hope to take pictures of all that stuff and post them on my site, or in a photo album…

Here’s my monkey!

monkee net8.jpg

I found this ornament one at Hallmark. “It’s called Going Places”. It’s my first unicycling ornament.


going places.jpg

It is a beautiful photo, well done!
