Unicycle Humor

So far I have heard several funny sayings and comebacks from unicyclists, and it left me wondering: what are all the best sayings you have heard or used? As an example: I have heard several variations of the training wheel comments used for dissing cyclists. I would love to hear any humorous comebacks, similes, proverbs, jokes, etc, that you all have heard or come up with in your journeys as unicyclists.


“Do a wheelie!”
“I am!”


“You lost a wheel!”

“No I didn’t… it’s evolution.”

If they say it in a mean tone then add… “Some of us get there but most of you won’t.”


@Canoeheadted Evolution: I love it!

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at the end of an ascent I was balancing my head from left to right… and back…
passersby comment: “looking for your other wheel?”


@wobbling_bear I love that comment. So much better than the standard “where is your other wheel?”, in my opinion. That would be a beautiful one for the Quote of the day (from non-riders) topic too.

So I ride my unicycle in winter for commuting, i joke with people it’s got all wheel drive to help with the snow.


I had this comment a couple of times:
‘’Are you a clown?’

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There are two categories of these; as Wobbling Bear indicated above, there’s a thread called “Quote of the Day from Non-Riders”. That one goes back many years. There are also some older threads on the topic of the more common tings people seem to say, in spite of worldwide location, culture, etc. I think best way to search on those would be using the term “comeback” or “comebacks”.

Now you’ll have to excuse me as I go looking for the other half of my bicycle…


@johnfoss I linked the Quote of the day (from non-riders) topic in a reply tagging @wobbling_bear to give a nod to a similar topic. In this topic, I was trying to combine non-rider comments with comebacks, as well as witticisms, humorous fake proverbs, jokes with fellow unicyclists, and the like. It was meant to be an overarching topic to share humor. Perhaps “Unicycle Humor” would have conveyed my meaning and intended subject better. Is there a more generalized topic that covers my intended subject matter?

knock knock, whose there? doctor, doctor who? doctor who

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“Where’s your other wheel?”
“My other wheel?!” shriek and promptly fall off “I didn’t realize it fell off!”


That’s awesome! Love it! :rofl:

Six or so of us were on a group Coker ride in Seattle, some of us riding curbs when we encountered a couple in their 80’s walking toward us on the sidewalk. The gentleman stopped and said, “you guys should be balancing the budget.”

I was riding along a bike trail with Tom Blackwood. We rode past a guy who looked at us and said, “it looks like you two didn’t make out too well in the divorce.”


LMAO. :rofl:
I wish my town had witty people like that. I usually just get stares of confusion, occasionally coupled with amusement or judgement.


Once, when I was riding a unicycle, a woman walking towards me shouted: “Are you sick in the head!?”
Please, don’t worry, I’m already recovering and wish you the same - I answered.


That is an awesome clap back.

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Today I made snowflakes with my nieces. I couldn’t help but cut out a familiar shape :wink:


Very slick!