Window users (or victoms?)… please have a look at
And please comment the readme file.
Window users (or victoms?)… please have a look at
And please comment the readme file.
Re: unicycle cursor
Hey, that’s kind of neat. I’m using it now.
Hi Leo,
the new unicycle cursor is great. I’m using this thing now at my homePC. Can I offer it to download on my homepage? I ask because of copyright…
Thanks for the cool cursor. I feel like I’m riding rather than surfing, now.
I’m using it at work now. It makes me feel a little better after being told I can’t ride on company property any more.
Thanks. Very cool.
Uni-cursor is on my machine now too.
You filled a very obvious gap in our obsession.
Thanks a lot.
Awesome. . . .
I just found this here. Its awsome, I’m using it now. You should post it on Rec.Sport.Unicycling.
Did you make it yourself? If so, how? I think it would be cool if to make one without any pointer at all, and just use the front of the seat to click with. As it is, it takes up a lot of space.
I have been trying to put some of the cursors Ben Plotken-swing made onto my website and it is not working, do you have any sujestions?
its not working because they pictures that are saved as .cur dont agree with the website building sofware i have.
i am using netscape composer and macromedea dreamweaver
They were made by Leo!
You need to make the images be gif or jpeg files if you want to use them to be displayed on a website. You can probably do this with most windows graphics programs.
Actually, Dan was refering to some different cursors that I made. He is trying to put them on his website. I think what he is having trouble with is getting the actual .cur files on his site, so other people can download them. Once we figure it out, I’ll post.
What site is this going on? If the host has it enabled where you can use a .htaccess file, then you probably need to put a mime type setting in there with this line:
AddType application/octet-stream .cur
Hey, I did’nt know ther were so many replies:
to foxx: read the readme file; distribution no problem, share it!
to Cherie: In The Netherlands (aka Holland) many companies offer a company-bicycles to their employes, so get a part-time job and…
to Ben Plotkin-Swing: I have realy no idea what software I used to make this anymore. The (WIN98) laptop the software was installed on is having a harmed file and now even does not start up DOS. Normaly I would have made this using the Gimp running on LINUX.
To create static cursors on a regular PC you can use a program called bmp2ico (search in google) and just call the files .cur in stead of .ico.
to uni-man-dan: to convert .ico back to regular formats? have look at
to Gilby: Interesting the .htaccess info, but keep in mind apache is not the only HTTP-server… (I’m now playing arround with Xitami, but off course still prefer apache).
to everyone who installed the cursor before the 25 of februar:
I now add an animated cursor as main cursor.
And add other cursors like wait, hyper, not, txt.
Yeah, that’s why I asked what site it was on… Most likely it’s Apache. Or it’s also possible that it’s MS IIS, which you probably can’t do anything to change this. Or one of the smaller ones. So how is the Xitami? Any things that make it nicer than the others?
Leo, if you got PHP, you should check out the PHP site and upgrade it as there is a major security bug that is vulnerable.
Hi Gilby,
Xitami on WIN is just the regualar lot’s clicking and dealing with the processes-problems. And off course no posibility to change settings manually.
Because I’m on another network (and changed some VPN and proxy-filter settings behind the admin’s back) i’m behind a firewalls and can’t realy test it.
But it’s a simple nice program. The interface is more extented like IIS is. And I asume less buggy-sensitive. I wonder how it works on MAC. Also (top 3 hostprovider in The Netherlands) is using Xitami on Cobalts.
But lets’s discuss this not public since it’s not realy unicycle-related.
Unicycle curser is so cool. I am now using it. Thanks
Pretty cool. Not cool that the unicycle is the actual clicky thing…
Heaps awsome cursor!
Wow, seven years later and none of the nerdlets here has yet pointed out that it’s not a cursor? Technically it’s a mouse pointer, though Microsoft might call it a cursor as they like to use their own terminology for things. Then they call a cursor an insertion point…
I used to use one like that long ago, but before 2002. In fact I think it was closer to 1997 or so? Would that be one of Leo’s? I believe it was animated too. Looked similar to the screen shot above but was black & white.