Looking for some good unicycle crash videos. If you don’t mind me using them on social media, I would love it if you would send them my way via google photos, we transfer, drive, etc. More than happy to tag you in the compilation video when we post it.
I’m surprised you have not had more response to this. There must be at least as many ‘fail’ videos successes? If you’re not crashing, you’re not trying… right?
I have some, but probably not hi-res enough for a decent YouTube video…
9 posts were split to a new topic: Issue playing playing uploaded videos
Is that your video kriKET?
This one hurt! I sort of lost concentration and stepped off the front. I now use shorter pedal pins and wear pads down my calves
No, that’s from ac villanders team.
Those two are mine from a muni race in Pamplona, Spain.
After seeing this sheer amount of accumulated UPDs you will have to clarify something: What on earth compelled you to trade your helmet for that hat?
Seems reasonable to me. Suits him better
That‘s a very reasonable assumption
I often thought „get yourself a fatty“ - well, you did, and nothing changed.
You set yourself difficult goals, much more so than I do. If you can‘t overcome an obstacle you try again and again. I usually give it a second, maybe a third try before continuing my ride.
My favourites are those with the micro machine.
Got one a couple days ago:
Just remembered this small selection from a past ride - no dogs or humans were harmed, only a camera lens protector.