
Sorry about posting that last message twice, I don’t know why that happened.

I just finished downloading the movie…GREAT WORK!!! The music was pretty good and the riding was spectacular. I think I have got the first of the movies. Does it have a bit where someone jumps from a table to a post and then onto another post (gapping in between)?

Just a comment on all these movies that everyone’s been making recently…
Trials is awsome and takes heaps of talent and so on, but I’d like to see a little more muni as well. Don’t get rid of the trials, just make the movie longer :). Are there any mostly muni movies that I have missed?

Thanks, and congratulations!

Awsome job on the movie Siggs. This movie was a lot of fun to film and awsome to edit. I actually had nothing to do with this cut, but using the same footage, I made my own which I hope we can put up at some point.

Rock, Peace, Love and the lack of a second wheel,


This clip reminded me of one of your shots.

From www.trials-online.com

Very nice. You really give me something to compete with…or add to…or develop in association with. I just wish I had people who rode as good as you to point my camera at - instead of being stranded all alone in northern virginia.

I like the music and I like what everybody is saying about the music. I think its important to not limit ourselves to ska-punk and its important to not limit ourselves to the skateboard-video style.

Doesn’t it just break your heart after all that work to compress it down for the web? Looks good, though.

Sorry, I know it’s a different topic, but I understand how and why this happens.

A talented band doesn’t get anywhere in the music industry if all they can do is play well. Someone has to organize them, and do tons of work to get them auditions and bookings. Usually this is one band member more than the others, or sometimes is someone not even in the band.

When I was a performer, I often heard from other performers how it was at least as much work getting the bookings as it was doing them. Thus is the entertainment business.

Hey, how come we name a whole state after just one guy? He couldn’t have done what he did alone… :slight_smile:

What group/song was that. I think acapella stuff is really cool.

Yes, Mr. Vermont should acknowledge his supporters.

That song was written by Sublime. We’re not sure who mixed the rockapella version for him but… I’m sure if you do some internet browsing that you can figure it out.


I always thought it was fantastic that the Rock and Roll hall of fame has the “side-men” category for inductees. There are so many “unsung heroes” who were some of the best musicians and although their names were never heard, they played with many bands and helped make legends. Skunk Baxter comes to mind, Motown was full of them, and the Blues Brothers band was built entirely from people like this.

Okay, I suppose that makes sense…but I still don’t like it :).
“When I was a performer…”
What sort of a performer were you? (sorry if everyone else already knows this or if I should know)


the riding is really good, and i like the song, have done for a while. I remember it was in dave mirra freestyle bmx for the playstation.

Re: Uniadventure

Cute vid, I like it a lot. just watched it at the libary, brought a big smile to me face

Actually, amigo, the Sublime song that was on the playlist of Mirras BMX 2 game was the song “Summertime.” Just thought you should know.

A shorter answer than the one I gave could have been “Because band naming is not the same as product labeling. They can call themselves whatever they want, and no government agency can require them to have a name that accurately represents the talent level of the members.” :slight_smile:

If a great producer is the reason why a band becomes famous, I don’t see why the band should not be named after him. I guess an example of this could be the Alan Parsons Project.

Pretty good, I think. The unicycle part at least. I did circus-type shows, and my specialty was the unicycle. Other stuff I did included mainly juggling, but also cigar box balancing, diabolo, devil stick, spinning plate, stilts, etc. My primary audiences were elementary school kids or family groups, and mostly I worked through the National Circus Project: www.nationalcircusproject.com

I’m not completely retired, I just have a day job now. My next public booking is for the Modesto Family Bicycle Festival on May 17. Downtown Modesto, free admission.

My next unpaid booking is at the Humboldt Juggling and Unicycle Festival (http://humboldt.edu/~jshsu/festival.html) on April 26.


Thanks for clearing that up for me. I’ve always wondered about that avatar of yours…did you ride out of that turn or fall off?
