if you had an unlimited budget, and you were looking for a trials/street uni, what would you buy. more importantly, what frame and seat would you get?
feel free to attach pic’s of your ultimate uni.
if you had an unlimited budget, and you were looking for a trials/street uni, what would you buy. more importantly, what frame and seat would you get?
feel free to attach pic’s of your ultimate uni.
saddle KH style Gelseat with carbonfibre base, White saddle cover.
Seatpost the Thomson with a little tilt so you get the perfect angle of the saddle. Painted Gold
Frame something custom made out of Titanium, powdercoated white.
Hub/Cranks Profile hub anodized gold, Deity Cranks white.
Rim Try all 19" rim gold
Tyre Try all sticky
Pedals Jim C gold.
That would be sweet.
AAAH!!! Too much white and gold!! How bout a brown uni with orange pedals and a HomeDepot sticker on the frame?
For me i think it would be:
Seat Miyata CF base with top of kh foam with a reeder
Seatpost Normal uni seat post (I dont like rail adapters)
Frame Orange powder coated 05 KH frame
Hub/Cranks 127mm KH/ Onzas (profiles are way too long)
Rim Arrow 19"
Tire Tryall
Pedals Snafus (for trials) or Oddessey twisted plastic pedals (for street stuff)
Rim: Oddesy SevenK-A
Tire: Fly Bikes Ruben tire
Hub: Koxx-One
Cranks: Koxx-One 110mm
Pedals: Demolition Sealed
Frame: Summit (Bare metal)
Post: Thompson Post
Seat: Kh Cf Base with cut out kh handle.
Re: ultimate trials/street uni
KH 2005 (frame powder coated black) + KH carbon fiber seat + Steve Howard type handle + stronger pedals
(with the “ulimited budget,” I would buy 3000 of them, so that when I break something, I can replace it immediately)
Rim: V!Z Biketrial 19" orange
Tire: Maxxis Creepy Crawler
Hub: KH or Koxx
Frame: KH 05 (orange) or Koxx (orange)
Seatpost: reinforced TryAll
Seat: Cut down gel seat with CF (orange)
Pedals: some BMX-Style with Pins (Alu)
Do you have problems with pinch flats or folding on that? (assuming you use it now)
I would powdercoat my KH 05 green, get crankbros 5050 pedals, add a carbon fiber base to my seat, and replace the foam with gel.
I would hire NASA to make one, then I would see how long I could ride it before something malfunctioned.
Seat-Koxx 1 gel seat
Frame-Bedford (powdercoated Black)
Hub-Koxx ISSES
Rim-Alex DX-32
Tyre-Maxxis Creepy Crawler
Seat: Miyata CF
Seatpost: Miyata
Frame: KH powdercoated pink with black flames…(jess regial(SP) style)
Hub and cranks: Profile
Rim:Alex DX-32
Tire:Maxxis Creepy Crawler
Pedals: Plastic junkies
the link tihng wasnt working for me
A black and green paint job on a KH freeride with Thomson seat post, and CF seat base would so fly.
Oh and don’t look at my avatar, that’s just a protest against the godfather.
I dont have one have just heard the arrow is really good. Right now i have a 19" alex dx-32 I dont have problems with it.
if I ahve unlimited budget id get :
a custom frame 20" round crown
Kh/onza hub and cranks
a cf base miyata
creeepy crawler tire
arrow rimdouble diamond sealed pedals
grind plates
a thomson seat post
and of course ur mom
Has maxisbackintown ever made a productive post?
what’s with the arrow right now? i don’t see it on UDC, or Bedford at the moment. Is it out of stock?
I want to eventually go to arrow rim, and get an alum. frame (because the rim ways more than dx 32).
[If I really had the money, I’d go to ti, eventually (instead of alum)…but it bugs me that it costs so much to fabricate the bearing holders. i know, i know. it’s really not necessary…but when I got my new seat and noticed the weight difference, I began to ponder on other areas that could use lightening–the hub/axle are the parts that could really use some weight loss–any ideas, Profile?]
I don’t know about tires. I can’t complain about the luna, since that’s the first and only trials tire i’ve ridden. It’s worn out from a years use (minus the times i couldn’t get out to ride in the winter)…and this weekend I’m going to switch to the Maxxis C.C.
Oops…here’s what I’m riding now:
seat cover: fusion
bumper: miyata
handle: black kinport
foam: cut-down kh
seat base: walls ‘de-rail’ cf base
seat post: thompson
frame: canadian made kh trials, black
hub/crank assembly: profile
rim: alex dx 32 19"
tire: luna trials
pedals: Jim C, blue (I want to try the glow-in-the-dark ones!!)
2005 KH trials would be what Id want with some changes:
koxx gel seat
thompson seatpost
Luna tire (instead of the maxxis)
arrow rim
Odesey Jim C. pedals
kammando grind plate
all the rest stock KH
Surely if NASA made it, it would come in 200% over budget and break one ride in 50?
Admittedly, when it did work, it would be bl**dy fantastic to ride though.
Sorry Spudman, I think I missed the irony already present in your post