Trials Discussion Thread

…for some people.

thanks ,
I had 15 and was bottoming it out so I now have 20

that’s the same for me, though I mostly do MUni with some natural trials.

I use about 30 psi…mostly just because I kept getting flats w/ about 23…so I pumped it up some more. It hasn’t really changed my riding really…and I’m not getting AS many flats, so I’m happy

recieving a KH20 (07) next week.
ive been riding my cycle design uni for ages and it suks for tricks (except mounts, 1 foot, idle and basic stuff like that). i can bunny hop like 20 timeson it max.
so when i get the KH, should jut get used to it first by doing all the tricks i usualy do now, and then get into some beginner trials and street?

Yeah it might feel kinda akward to you at first. Especially if you aren’t used to riding a trials wheel.

But after you initially start to get used to how it feels and rides, there’s nothing wrong with learning new stuff on it. Just go for it.:slight_smile:

For natural trials you want more pressure because its easier to bottom out on uneven surfaces than flat ones.

Joe is a bad example because he has such long arms. He is tall and has longer than usual arms so he doesn’t need his seat height to be so high, this is why he is able to hop so high seat in.

Like I said, made some pictures of my demo box and sandwichboard:

New box, 76cm high and 83cm wide:

Old sandwichboard, 50cm high and 40cm wide:

More obsacles will be build this weekend, will post pictures when finished.

Peter M

New obstacle: 60cm high and 84cm width:

Peter M

nice, i like it, i think im gonna get some wood and build some obstacles. I sorta want something a little more stable than what i have for pallets. Also, with that step thingy, if its unstable, you can extend some 2x4’s off of it. I did that, and i think i actually need to add another few to my set. But… ithink yours is actaully wide enough. Mines about 1 1/2 foot width, and maybe 2-3ft length. Its a sorta little larger than normal 3 set. I gotta get home and go and uni :slight_smile: lol.

what kind of protection should I need for trials

Shingaurds, either with knee and shin or only shin
And a helmet to ofcourse.

Peter M

Ryan Atkins doesn’t ride his seat high, Zack Baldwin rides his seat high, Ryan’s is right in between Zack’s and Joe’s.

Battle At Tar River Trials Comp June 21, 2008. Held in the best natural trials spot in NC, Rocky Mount.

Site with flyer.

Google Map Location.

Also, annual Belle Isle NATS (North American Trials series) trials comp June 14. Held in Richmond, VA on Belle Isle.

And the Richmond trials and muni ride May 24 and 25. Richmond, Virginia Trials and Muni ride

Spread the word about the VA and NC rides!

Hey, out of curiosity, do most good trials riders know how to crankflip? (good being about an 80cm+ up)

You’re basing how good someone is at trials on their sidehop?

yeah :slight_smile:

At your level, it’s all about applying the right pressure on the cranks. Hoping onto skinnies forwards (and locking your legs) teaches this. Practice practice. Once you have done that, you should be hitting around 20". After that it’s all tuck. I wouldn’t suggest a prehop just yet as you need to learn to things static. Learn to prehop when you get over the 30" barrier.

First point seems very helpfull, gonna try that.
About the static versus prehop hop: I can do 83cm (32.7") static.
I can’t get anything higher with prehop, but working on it.

Peter M