Trials Discussion Thread

What do you guys think I should work more on, tucking my seat or hopping higher? I can hop onto a park bench and I can tuck so my butt hits the tire but I usually have to touch the object I’m jumping on. So you think it would be better to learn to hop higher or get better at tucking so I don’t touch???

i think it would be better to learn to hop higher because it will help you with timing and i find it harder to tuck alot on a low object than a much higher one.You may need to touch the object cause you are tucking more than you need to when jumping onto the bench.

Yea I agree, thats what I have been trying to say to all those who ask. Most people seem to see SIF as a goal and think if they can do it they are realy good at trials or sumthing. I think I was hitting at least 30" SI before I tried SIF and it was quite along time before I could top that SIF.

Well, the tucking just comes naturally, it’s not like I’m trying to do it, I have to if I want to do my highjump (which isn’t really that high…)

Yes, riding SI is advisable until you can get two feet (60cm). You should still practice it, as rock lines are often really hard with SIF.

Seat hight should be low at first, then high for SIF, and once you have that comfortable, make it low again. Joe hodges rides with his seat really low, and uses both SIF and SI.

I think that SIF is essential for all ups, but for gaps, SI is better. I can go a little further SI than SIF gapping. Pole/rail gaps/combos are also better done SI as you have more control.

There is nothing wrong with going all SIF, but you should balance your skills to be able to tackle new lines.

Roll hops and rolling gaps are also useful skills.

I hope this isn’t confusing;) .

30" SI is pretty baller. Is that rolling or static?

I cant remember exactly it was quite a while ago and my memory is shocking at the best of times. I know for sure I could hit at least 25 SI side hop and I think over 30 rolling SI, some thing like that.

Does anyone else find that they can jump higher from a skinny than from flat with a prehop?!

Today I was pushing my limits a bit with my high jump and I found that if I was jumping from a 1 inch tall and wide skinny that I could make it no problem. This is without any prehop and I found it pretty easy.

Then if I took away that 1 inch, and I did a good proper prehop I couldn’t do it anymore. The few times that I could get the height I just lost control because I wasn’t in as much control.

Maybe it’s just mental or the edge of your tire is kinda pushing into the corner of the skinny so it compesses the air in your tire more?

I cant do prehops. Well, I can, but it doesnt help me. Just sitting there and jumping up 34" works best for me.

I guarantee that if you learn to prehop correctly, you will add 5". That’s a meter for jerrick (Go for it!)
I went through a stage where, like you, did everything without a prehop. One day it just clicked. Funny how these things work out.

Ill work on it.

I kinda do a little one, like where you jump, but your tire really isnt leaving the ground.

Ill try some more though.

I do like having the skill to jump decently high without a prehop though. It works well when you have no room or stable enough to prehop.

Have you seen how big Joe Hodges’ pre hops are? They must be good if he can get that high :P. I still hop SI but a pre hop gets me 10-15cm higher.

I managed to compress my vid so that I could upload it.

Its got quite a few shots of my trials course in it so If your short on ideas on what to make, take a look.

Hope you like it.

Haha, I went through this too. And I still have tendencies of it in my riding. I need to get rid of the creepy crawler and work on pre-hops more. There was a while when it clicked for me, but I haven’t been riding enough this semester, so I lost my sense of timing and judgment with them. It’s pretty much all in the way you time a pre-hop out for it to be effective, isn’t it? At any rate, that creepy crawler has messed with my head and my riding performance to the point where it’s created mental and physical ‘blocks.’

I was going 34/5 inches without a pre-hop. With one, at least 39, but I’ve been told higher than 40, from many different firsthand witnesses, uni’ists or otherwise.

I’ll try to get that on video this summer, and then some. We’ll see!

Oh, I started out trying to get pre-hops down by hopping onto small things, in the 2 foot range. It has to be with something that you know you could do probably blind folded (not literally). I did this so I could understand the timing, judgment, and forces involved in a pre-hop. A pre-hop should make the smaller stuff even easier to hop onto.

I just finished building a trial box, wich can be used in demo’s.
Its about 78cm high and completly made from wood.
Will post pictures as soon as I can.

Peter M

2 days ago, I was riding, and I had a horrible time, I don’t know why.

But yesterday I went and tried again, and had a great time. I changed the air pressure in my tire, and it was perfect, the day before I couldn’t find the right amount of air pressure, and I was also wearing different shoes yesterday. I like them alot more.

I just thought this was intresting.

And do people find it easier to hop higher with a really low seat? My seat is pretty low, but should I go even lower?


how mush psi of air should I have in a 20-2.5 luna for trials

I would recomend using a higher seat height. I find its easier for me to hop higher with a seat almost at freestyle heights.

This way you can get the maximum extension out of your legs without your arm getting in the way. I think my arms are also just plain short.

There is no such thing as a perfect psi, its different for everyone based on your technique and your weight.

I keep mine as low as I can go without bottoming out on drops.

…but around 20 is about right