Trials Discussion Thread

Remember to not lock your legs too hard. Try and land on the skinny just right using minimal force to stop the wheel from turning.

I made this gap-up that I’ve been trying for months last night. I just love the feeling you get from making something like this. It is why I ride. I still haven’t made a 100cm to a ledge, but I’ve come close.

Answers, anyone?

Hmm, should I hold SIF with my hand on the back of the seat or by the post?

I can footplant crankflip on occasion, but I can’t land the crankflip.
Can good street riders (double flips) ride and jump rails?

Yes they can

Whatever works for you, but I think most hold it by the post.

I get the most control w/ my hand by the post and my thumb pointing to the front, but my hand gets tired pretty fast that way. If I wrap my thumb accross the saddle my hand doesn’t get as tired quite as fast. If I hold it towards the back, my hand gets tired the slowest, but I also get the least control.

I can hop 45cm SI and without a pre-hop I can only do about 30cm. Is the jumping onto skinny’s thing to help with SIF? I think I’ll stick with SI until I can make 50-60cm. I didn’t find it very hard to get to 45cm so with a bit of practise hopefully I can make 50cm.

Are you saying that to practise SIF hops I should find a low skinny and hop onto it SIF and so that the tyre is on a 90 degree angle to the skinny?

I can’t even crankflip and I can ride 2" and 3" wide stuff quite well lol. I wouldn’t really call myself a good street or trials rider, I’m kinda a beginner at both.

I can ride a rail after many tries (I am pretty sure). I was never much good at jumping though. My sidehop is at approximately 50cm while my rolling hop is at approximately 77cm. Most good street riders can jump a lot better than I can :angry: :o :frowning:

I can crankflip, but not consistently. Sometimes I land them first go, other times they take a few mins of trying.

This includes me, and I can do a crankflip.
But this doesn’t mean anything.

Peter M

Anyone punctured there tire yet?
Not the innertube, but the tire.
I had a snakebite today whilst doing a gap to a ledge: 2 big holes in my innertube and 1 big hole in my Monty Eagle Claw.
Also dented the sidewalls of my rim a bit.
Weird stuff, but still rideable.

Peter M

Luke rides handrails!

OK, I just confirmed it with the person who’s running the competition. Unicycles will be a seperate category that will compete on the sport sections of the competition.

What does it matter? I can tre and stuff and am quite good at trials. Just begining to get ok at riding rails.

Anyone going to be making a trials vid anytime soon?

Danni? wernt you making a video? whens it going to be done?

I have been away for 4 days, came back looking forward to sitting down and watching some kick ass videos but there was nothing :frowning:

I will make another vid probably after my exams.

My vid will be coming along soon. I just gotta get out and film. I wish I had clone of myself, that would make it so much better.

Or a tripod.

EDIT: 14241. Just noticed that. Kinda cool. Not really, but oh well.

i just landed an 81ish cm hop(rolling, but still)

Gah, I always touch when I do SIF hopping, any method or tips to not touching or is it just practice?

I totaly wish I had a clone that could film me. Tripods are sooo boring for trials lines. A good long trials line can very rarely be caught on a tripod and show its full complexity but if you have a good cameraman then damn it will look nice. Unfortunatly thats not always easy to find.

On another note the Eagle Claw kicks ass! I started riding it today and I found that its such an amazing change compared to my Luna. Besides the grip the best thing I noticed about it was that when I hit a ledge on an angle or something, it wouldn’t throw me away like the Luna did. It would just kind of absorb the impact then slowly spring back up a bit. I found that the Luna wouldn’t bounce alot afterwards.

I keep getting frustrated with my SIF jumping skills I can hop straight decently but if I try to prehop or hop to the side more I lose a lot of stability. I hold the seat right near the post.

Any tips??

I am going to film this weekend at my trials park. I have added a huge log section that needs a little more work before I’ll feel safe riding it. Expect it to be out around next week.

Your video was well done; a good watch.