Too heavy to ride a unicycle?

If there is little price difference then go with, not that there is anything wrong with ebay but it’s always a bit of a risk, whereas with UDC you’re garaunteed to get what you want, shipped quickly and with good customer support if things go wrong.

I’m in Vernon Hills, it’s about 40 minutes or so north from Chicago. There was one shop in Deerfield that seemed kinda close (about 20 minutes maybe), but I dunno. I didn’t know if they would have it or not, so I ordered the 24" Torker DX from :smiley:

But while I was filling out the credit card info, my computer froze :angry:
So I don’t think they got the info. I emailed them asking what to do, but they haven’t responded yet, so then I called them and left a message. Anybody know what days they’re open and will call me back?
Maybe during the week or something?

Anybody have experience with this type of thing? :slight_smile: Thanks

Can’t wait to get my unicycle, it’s gonna be great! :smiley: lol

Thanks everyone for the replies

i second that.


If the deal went through you will have got an automated email within a few seconds confirming the order. It’s worth checking so you don’t double order but it sounds like it didn’t go through.

iam 200 pounds and i can do street and trial

you will loose a lot of pounds just riding

start eating health things and you will loose a lot of it very fast

Like Kington said, you should get an automated e-mail confirming your order. I would call them again tomorrow (or any weekday) during regular business hours. That is probably your best bet for getting to talk to somebody.

have fun once that Torker arrives!