Today I Landed...


When I saw this trticdk above, my brother checked over my shoulder and said"Oh, so he finally found his pedals". hahahaha, we have so much fun here…

the unispin combo is sick haha

it lasted so long… you mustve been so tired after! haha

+1 :slight_smile:

i´ll go for fulloutside now

You start seat in, right? Then it’s an inward sidevarial

i knew i was wrong with the name^^ thx

my second 720 after about 3 months:)

but i landed a few today.

superclean;) i like you style!

many fifthflips yesterday and today :stuck_out_tongue:
some random backrollflip combos on first try
and a few 900 attempts

wow seems like you have fifths consistent. you gotta commit to those 9 spins and you’ll have it :wink:

nice uni btw

the fifths - 900 line were funny to watch xD

nice, I can do 540-540spin but still cant 720… I tryed again tonight and still cant, I do 630 and fall on my back…
EDIT: Btw today I landed stand up outsidespin! was for Eli Brill :wink: Ill post the video tomorow if I have the time!

Nice consistant fifths, crazy 900 attemps, you’ll get 'em soon

Yesterday with Émile :

We can’t see very well behind the volcano, but I slipped. It was my first time riding vert with a 24" and it was so fun !


awesome. So that’s the line you got. fifthside-720sidespin