Today I Landed...

yes :roll_eyes: i think its good…

today I landed an inward backside varial, 450-180-450, 630, and 810. I might make a vid soon :stuck_out_tongue: but can’t right now.

WOW!!! Why arent you sponsored?

Haha, I applied for the sponsorship for KH, and he said he’ll let me know in a few weeks or so. :slight_smile:

630 and 810 up or down?
Really sick stuff, can’t wait until your next video.

if anyone on earth deserves it it’s you. looooong overdue

Both were up to tire, haha I wonder why I waited so long to try them.

And thanks man.

Wow! Felix that was an awesome 2 trick line :astonished: well done :smiley:

Cool! Was the 810 on purpose? The first time i landed it was when i was trying a 900, you get really surprised when your on the tire :stuck_out_tongue: haha…

haha yes it was on purpose.

I finally got the balls to try my thirteenset. Didn’t land it today, but I will soon. :smiley:

wow nice tries.

nnicenicenice! try to grind a little bit longer,but i guess you know it…and you will get it!! you are luck to ride a kh :stuck_out_tongue:

Looks like you are leaning a bit to much to the right.

I’ve been waiting!
This deserves it’s own thread!
Forest, you simply rock. You’re a junior right?

same vid, different quality.

thanks Colby!


Wow, man. I really didn’t know you were that good until these few recent videos came out.

Keep it up:D

very nice grind i wish i could commit a smaller one :smiley: