Today I injured...

I hope you are joking.

maby you should read the secret message dundundunnnnnnnnnnn :slight_smile:

Haha! Didn’t notice that.

today i was tryin to i foot wheel walk and my uni went straight out in front of me and i landed on by elbow. i have managed to hak my shins open a few tomes so i wear shin gaurds. ive injured myself so many times on my uni there is a list about a mile long but it would take me weeks to write so im not going to, but it hurt

I apreciate your concern anyhow :slight_smile:

To bad the game doesn’t exsist on the XBOX 360
I bet the unicycle game must be so funny :stuck_out_tongue:

Peter M

Ive broken a wrist and sprained the other (different times)

Lots of other small stuff…not too bad…

The best thing about unicycle injuries is that when you go to the hospital and the doctor asks you what you did…he expects you to say somthing like “oh i was playing soccer and tripped…or i was playing football and got tackled…but no…you get to amaze him and say…”"""“Yeah…i was out with my friends doing triple backflipps on my unicycle”""""" He never expected that one

(no this didnt happen to me)

2day (like everyday for me) i heard a popping in my dislocated/double jointed leg. Its the type of pain that doesn’t go away for at least 1/2 an hour. Then all of a sudden it becomes normal like as if nothing has happened. :thinking:

hmmm… I’d see a physiotherapist.

About three weeks ago I was riding after it had rained so everything was slippery, and I was jumping up to decently high ledge and when I landed my feet slipped of my pedals and my tail bone slammed into the corner of the ledge…I could litterally BARELY walk for about a week. It still hurts sometimes when I jump now. That isn’t my worst just most recent bad one.

A couple days ago, I was practicing jumping up some bleachers that I had shoveled the snow off of. I was doing fine for a while then my wheel slipped and I grazed my lower back on one of the benches. Just minor bruising and scratches basically. And I probably shouldn’t have been uniing on wet wood.

Today I injured a hamster:( I was rolling hopin over it:p but it moved :angry: it made a funny noise when I hit him.

Now my friend is angry with me. She says she won’t give me her hamster to play with again :roll_eyes:

Big deal, I live near a zoo:)

Had my first real fall today. My left pinky tip is numb a little, and I scratched up my elbow. So far nothing serious.

I hurt my foot somehow last night, nothing serious enough to stop my from riding, but it wasn’t fun to walk on most of today. I think I bruised it or pulled a muscle somehow when I jumped with my front of my feet on the pedals and my foot flexed a bit.

This wasn’t an injury - just a knuckle-head thing to do.
I was riding in a strong head-wind - Dallas has some seriously windy days.
My hat started to blow off so I tried to slap it back to my noggin but forgot that I was wearing wrist guards. I wound up slapping myself on both sides of my head with plastic splints.

Note to self…it’s only a hat… it’s only a hat.

I just had to chuckle to myself after reading that.:stuck_out_tongue:

Sounds like something I would do though… I’m quite fond of the hats I wear.

I only wear shoes and shorts when I ride my schlumpf. I never go faster than I can run.(<15mph). So I was surprised run I UPD’ed on an uphill. :astonished: I took two steps and I knew I was going down. The 1st part was in slow motion. Then it speeded up when I hit the sidewalk(which has a very coarse surface).

Only flesh wounds, but plenty and nasty. I have strawberries on both palms, one elbow, one hip, two on one knee.

I hate doing the wound care. And the fact that I won’t be in the ocean for about a week. I am ready for another ride.

I will wear wrist guards.:o

Well, it wasn’t today, but last week I messed up my shoulder. I just got this, although it’s a bit late! Probably will never actually wear this thing unless both the terrain and risk are just off the chart crazy! :o


Or you could go for a part in the next Mad Max movie.
Don’t forget to modify your muni with plenty of spikes too.

That’ll get you a role no problem.

Haha or maybe I could invent “MUni-football”! :stuck_out_tongue: And seeing how lame it looks, I’d rather take my chances with another injured shoulder! :wink: