Today I... (brag thread)

It’s a sideways wheel walk with the seat between your legs, and then you kick down and jump with your back foot and let the wheel rotate a rev backwards and then land on the pedals. Kinda like a monkeykick:)

thank you kind sir, that sounds pretty cool, i wish i could sideways wheel walk better. looks like i know what i’ll be workin on tonight

No problem. Sideways WW is fun:p

Today I landed a one-eighty flip and a few 360’s and got one fo my friends to start trying to ride.

today i landed 7 540 unispins in a row all rolling and got 2 feet on a fifthflip and hopped once. It pissed me off i couldnt get closer after that

Tight, you’rereally improving fast.

Inward inside roll/Inward backroll is a 180 body varial after the first push on the tire,

Landed a new trick. I call it, the Crossflip.


Nice. Who will land it first??



It’s purely a flat trick.

You start it sif, and have your front foot very close to the wheel, so that it is on the crank and the majority of the pedal is untouched. You then sort of turn sideways, taking your back foot off the pedal and onto the front pedal from behind your front leg, and you flip using the back foot on the front pedal, landing as you would land a sex change. I will probably video it eventually.

today was an amazing day

  • landed crankflip to fakie on a bank.
  • landed 3 spin to fakie on the bank
  • landed 3 or 4 body varials
  • i also managed to flash 7 balls a few times
  • and i got my first juggling sponsor, i am now a tester for

a great day!

Today I landed 7 flips.
Yes, 7 crankflips haha

As in 720 unispins with a crankflip?

Today I learnt mills mess with juggling balls.

And last night it was my first time playing Fight Night 3 on the xbox. I was beating all my seasoned pro mates by the end.

Having a decent subwoofer certainly makes for a great experience. You can feel the punches hit home.

No unicycle related brags though. My unicycle still has a broken seatpost.
Although I did take my giraffe unicycle on the skatepark again yesterday.

Highlight Chris’s post…

doubleflips consistently and double rolling wraps consistent!

I built my CF Saddle and love it. It didn’t leave much time for riding. That’ll be tomorrow!

went on a b*ke ride. i think i was doing something wrong

haha, sick

lol thats funny.You should get a brake for it and hold it in your hand and glide down hills.Tape some kh foam onto the top for you to sit on lol