Today I (brag thread) V2

Good going mate, i’ll be catching up with ya soon :stuck_out_tongue:

I very nearly managed what i think was a static mount a few times today…not sure of all the terminology but i had the left peddle a little way off the floor and leant on it and just jumped up into position.

What’s the difference between static and rolling?

And in the end, you uploaded it and it was awesome! Inspired me to go try to catch flips earlier, I started catching them at the end, need to work on them though.:slight_smile:

I like the sound of Hugo’s post too…
I landed 360 unispin - rollingwrap

Static is starting with no motion, rolling is walking or running with your wheel, and then jumping on too it when the pedals are in a nice position.

And, I just got back from a 3 and a half mile ride on my coker, not bad for recieving the thing less than 24 hours ago:D

Also Juni, would I be correct in assuming you just got your first 36er?

Correct and i couldn’t be happier!

I haven’t done any great distance yet because of work but i’ve booked tomorrow off to try and do some distance :smiley:

Good job on the ride today anyway, great feeling aint it!

May try a rolling mount tomorrow, see if it’s any easier…

You should try it, it definantly is for me, cause I couldnt do a static mount too save my life :astonished:

All this talking about my new baby is making me want to get out and play now, even if it is nearly midnight! :smiley:

Today I landed a hickoverflip!

I don’t know what the overflip part means but it sounds cool!

I landed 4 more full wheel walks today, rode out very smoothly. I am much more confident now, transitioning from riding into wheel walk is about 90% now, and feet back to pedals is like… 5%…

Today I found more unicyclists in Harrogate! :slight_smile:

Going to meet them next Tuesday and the new Skatepark opens on Wednesday too :slight_smile:

Yesterday I landed 10 360unispins in a row without getting off my unicycle :smiley:

thestig: good job!
today i broke my right pedal :frowning:

Today I rode 5 revs of one foot! Victory!

That’s about as far as I ever got (well I think I got 8 one day) - it got boring so I stopped practicing and now I probably can’t even do one.

Keep practicing! I just did 9 now!! :smiley:

It’s like 03:09 :smiley:

Oh right haha. Well once I’ve started to get the hang of it, it is getting easier and easier every single time I do it now. I can’t wait until I’ve had a good night sleep and committed my learning to memory.

Today i landed a number of freemounts!!

My thanks go out to Dane (not Dane M) for his motivation and patience :slight_smile:
He also gave me the push to climb a step-ish mud hill…Failed the first time but he said lets go down and try again!

I decided the rolling mount just wasn’t working for me but the static mount is great!

Hey I was very patient too.

Today I rode 13 revs of one foot! Which is the full length of road that is flattest near my house, so I need to learn how to ride one foot uphill or go somewhere else now.

I also did 5 revs of one foot ww!! Now that I am much better at normal ww, it made this much easier, I even did 3 revs ww, then switched to 1ft ww for 2 revs and landed it. I was pretty psyched. I really want to get to gliding soon.

Nice work! That’s a lot of progress!