Today I (brag thread) V2

Today I ran 8 miles, the farthest I’ve gone in a number of years. Not part of a plan but unicycling has turned out to be good cross training for it. After suffering all summer with screaming quads trying to get past 100 meters on a unicycle, running’s feeling pretty easy.

I rode off curbs today. First time. I was kind of afraid of it before, but I figured I better give it a try. Turns out it isn’t hard at all. It wasn’t that tall of a curb, but still, it’s a start.

Excellent! I need to find a friendly place to try that too.

I learned 360 Unispins in Spring 2007 and 540 Unispins in early 2008.
But I never get consistant, because I made one mistake: I am left foot forward, and turned the uni clockwise with my right hand. :roll_eyes:

3 weeks ago I learned unispins the opposite way. Now I turn the uni counterclockwise with my lefthand.

Today, actually yesterday;), I managed/relearned:
Fakie 3Spin
It was easy and all feels so naturally with the new direction and handposition. :smiley:

Fakieinwardvarials are still impossible. :angry:

today i finished a hill climb that until that point have never completed in one go! It can be hard with a 26" wheel and 114mm cranks XD my legs were screaming!

Got a new unicycle.

Rode for the first time in maybe 20 years.

Did my first free mount ever.

It all came back quickly and I’m psyched that I could free mount after only a few tries. I’ll be muni-ing in no time!

Congrats Vaultbrad!

Today I… (well, it was yesterday) I did my first jumping mount and managed to make two variations of it. One was to take one step to jump - a bit like the rolling mount which I master at 95% - with the unicycle going forward a quarter revolution. Then I managed to do the fully static version where the pedals are in horizontal position and you jump on them. Happy because it will help with free-mounting the 36" I purchased second hand 2 months ago and rode for the first time earlier this week!

… finally passed some bikes on the climb up my local canyon road. Not just one, but four! It’s the first time I’ve been in control enough on the 36er to pace myself and not lose ground every time I went anaerobic.

I wasn’t too proud when the first bicyclist was a 65+ YO woman on a cruiser bike (good on her forgetting out, though!), nor the second person who was (generously put) out of shape and riding a bike that must have weighed 40 pounds. But, when I rolled through the two 25 year old guys on nicer mountain bikes, then I got a little bit proud of my progress. :smiley:

It feels so awesome to finally be in control of the big wheel at least some of the time!

… free mounted with my “wrong” foot. I’m right-handed, but for some reason I have always mounted with my left. My right felt completely uncoordinated for the task. Today I decided the reason I can’t do a number of other skills is that my right side isn’t contributing. So I dedicated my lunchtime practice to mounting with my right foot, and by the end I could do it. Next is idling with my right foot dominant, then hopping…

Got half-way to my goal of jumping on top of a picnic table. Able to consistently land on the bench. Next, up to the table. SIF, static hop.

Today I went on my first True Unicycle ride. Road for 2.7 miles, and 1.5 of those miles I went with out stopping or falling off. :slight_smile:

Nice! Congratulations. It’s a pretty awesome feeling, no?

:smiley: :smiley:

The first of many :sunglasses:

Today, I managed to juggle while riding forward.

And by juggle, I mean run a cascade for suitably longer than a qualify to call it a run. I threw some reverse cascade and tennis in there too. Then I rode home, juggling parts of the way.

I have to get better at idling before I can consider juggling when doing that.

Well, yesterday, actually, I watched my 12yo son Elliott ride 50 ft, then keep going 50 yds…100 yds…finally he ran out of steam at maybe 150 yds! Not just a stroke of luck either, he proceeded to do several more ride like that. What a pleasure to see. :slight_smile:

He really, really wants to go to Nepal in the spring.

today i tried one foot riding and i was able to get about 4 rotations before dismounting!

Congrats to all, and go Elliott!!

Today I brought my 20" Avenir (refuses to die) to a city park and did my best backward riding and idling ever. Then I helped two complete strangers try unicycling for the first time with it.

today i ate a chili cheese dog and fries and got fatter

An admirable effort…and well done all the rest of you with your achievements. You all inspire me to do more.

…now off to the pub for burger and chips…

Yep, off to get a falafel sandwich to support the effort too.
And unicycling tomorrow to fight the fat.