The world's most awesome bike simulator

…so they say.

I’ve got a much cheaper and basic version of this thing plugged to my PS3 : cyberbike 2
The game delivered with the bike is shit but I can play every bike/car games I have, and as I have got a 3D screen and several 3D games, when I can not ride unicycle I really enjoy playing Motorstorm 3D rift, Motorstorm apocalypse, test drive 2 unlimited, gran turismo 5.
The fact of pedaling and involving your upper body to control direction + the 3D effect makes you forget you are playing a game.

I even play GTAV on it :smiley:

Or just your bike, a good trainer and Zwift.

Or, for the full offroad experience…

Mine’s even more cheap and more basic. I’ve got a bike.

I understand the point of view of those of you who ask “why do you want to ride this thing when you can ride a true bike?”, but they’re missing something.

The purpose of this kind of thing is to let you enjoy sport when you can not do it IRL, because of a shitty weather and/or because there is no fine place around to ride.
Because it involves your whole body and makes you sweat, the experience is very different from just taking a joystick and playing a car/motorbike simulator.
But you have to try it to really understand the interest.

My cyberbike only costs 99€, that’s half of the price of the cheapest of my unicycles and and bikes, (ok, I don’t count the cost of the PS3+3D screen + games I own, but I already had these stuffs before purchasing the bike).

As winter is coming, not being a big fan of riding under the rain, I will have some occasions to enjoy this “turn it on and go” tool to burn some calories while having much fun without taking the risk I’d take if I was doing the carzy things I can do on Motorstorm (3D rift of Apocalypse).

Yeah, but you don’t have winter where you live. At least it gets dark early, so you can experience part of the effect. :stuck_out_tongue:

I can see someone enjoying that type of training if their schedule doesn’t allow them to get out to the trails and spend all the time needed to do what’s in the videos.

I look at that as a way to make an exercise bike fun. Tons of people have exercise bikes or treadmills in their basement which is great when it’s dark when you leave home, dark when you get home, and “If you hurt yourself and cant get shelter you might die” cold overnight.

I still go for a ride or strap on some skis but let people know where I am going and when I am expected back. With this system you don’t need the prior planning or the safety net.

I would imagine the system would be quite expensive, but might be a good option for community gyms in northern communities.

Anything that makes being active easier and more fun is a good thing.