The Video Competition - Second Round

Il try to get something new for you guys…

i’m in. i’ll make a video with my friend.

I am going to say that me and jerrick are in… it is all based on wheather jerrick can actually get some editing done :stuck_out_tongue:

hmm i should do something. i have a notebook full of video ideas. i might just find enough time to film some sex as riding.

count me in.

would a torker lx for muni/big street/trials be a mixed enough style :thinking:

This wouldn’t be a reference to anyone we know, now would it?
cough COUGH shaun**cough…

I’ll try and ride and film for the last of summer. I got a few ideas going now for styles, and places that i’d ride.

I actually have a really bitchin’ place to ride on august 22nd and 23rd. If anyone would like to come ride with me it’d be fine, check the last half of my sig, and contact me. St. Croix State Park, Minnesota.

okay, enough threadjack. Thanks for bringing up a second round dude!

im in ! :wink:

Of course not! :roll_eyes:
Nah really, that wasn’t meant to be a dig at Shaun. Theres loads of people that make videos that are pretty much just crankflip variations and I find that dead boring.

Cool, looks like we’ve got loads of interest. Now get out there and film some cool vids. Last time we had loads of promises of vids but only four actual entries. Lets see if we can get a proper competition going!



I’ll try and get one honest :smiley: I didn’t last time, but the song truly sucked! I’m just learning more before I go recording.

im not in just because of the rule of streetmuni/36po flat etc.

Yeah im finding it difficult to make an interesting vid with mixed styles, we’ll see though.

muni on a trials!

EDIT-It doesn’t have to be mixed up though.

Yeah, muni on a trials unicycle is my plan because I only have a trials unicycle and the only other thing I can do apart from trials stuff is muni. I don’t know how interesting a video it make because trials unicycles are reasonably well suited to muni.

Why not just do distance on your trials?

Erm, yeah it does. Thats the whole point of the competition.
Im struggling to understand why people are having such a problem with this. If you don’t want to make a video with mixed up styles, no one is forcing you to. If you want to make a normal video thats fine, it just won’t qualify for the competition because thats not what is in the rules.

Theres no point in doing it if you’re not having fun. :slight_smile:

Okie, so not Shaun specifically.
I must say I have to agree with you here.

does it have to be on a two different unis, because I am just doing street, trials, and flat, on my nimbus trials

Please read the rules again. Street, trials and flat on a trials uni will be exactly the same as any other uni vid. If you want to use a trials uni, why not do some muni and put some street/flat tricks into a muni environment? Thats the sort of thing we are looking for.

Since so many people are struggling to understand this competition I think I will have to make a video with the sort of thing we are after.

Good luck, have fun!

I’m in now.