The invent a trick comp!

Cedric Vincent has done that in one of his vids before. And I am sure many more have done it… Ive landed it off camera as well.

Edit: Cedric’s was two footed… I dont think that makes enough of a difference tho.

maby one of these… :roll_eyes:

some are a bit dark…:frowning:

  1. is backflip with the hand
  2. over the head :stuck_out_tongue:
  3. dubble al around (wheel+seat)
  4. :stuck_out_tongue:

Okay, here is what i think:

  1. It isn’t a backflip with the hand, in a backflip you’ll kick… err… knock… the pedals, not the tire. But i haven’t seen that before, so i would say good for it, until someone says something clever which makes me think otherwise.
  2. :stuck_out_tongue:
  3. That is just a variation of the all around. Not a new trick, but it was still cool.
  4. :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks to miles, I have the right word. You innovated previous tricks (made them better). Thats not an origional trick. A bit silly too :stuck_out_tongue:

If you can pull off a hand thrown backflip on flat though without the footplant, I guess that would be a new trick.

lol :smiley: I can do that :slight_smile:
I find it ealyer :roll_eyes:

You saw my no-footer back tire grab, Pele.
I don’t need to video it.


I’ve only landed it twice. Lol, you were the only one who saw when I stuck it. :stuck_out_tongue:

Ok that’s fine Jackie.

I’m a genius!

I might have a trick for you guys as well, once my foot heals I’ll get on it.

And Cedric got inspired by the one and only: Lucas Wintercrane
hes the inventor of the Lucas Whip.

But remember: A MUST SEE thread for STREET unicyclists (new street trick invented and more...) - #14 by tugboat

I really want to invent a trick and call it the shovel flip. That’s an awesome name for a trick:D

spencer was trying a trick at CMW that i have never seen before. it was like a sidespin without the spin and a leg kick thrown in. kind of like an airwalk. it looked pretty cool and im not on here alot so its probably been done already but its an idea.

This trick? (2nd trick)

It has been around for a while now.

nah it was a bit different. that one just looked like a mid air leg wrap. i think his had an extra kick in there. i will have to have him film it or something.

Its the same trick but I usually kick my legs really strangely.

oh alright well then how about that for a new trick. an airwalk of some sort. that would be pretty badass. i just cracked my Koxx so i cant attempt it for a couple of weeks, so someone else get it so i dont have to hurt myself trying.

Heres my contribution to this thread:

Lets just call it a crossover (name by Padst3r).

My Fav so far… (are there any other (real) entires?)

There might be a few coming.


I did tire hops with cross legs but like a normal tire hop… And Only 90-90… I will film if I have time, or I can also film with Adrien.

About the Shovel flip Elib, I’m learning something that I want to call like that :smiley: PM if you want to know :smiley:

Chris, you sir, are the man. :sunglasses:

Its a yes from me.