The Gower, Wales, Charity bike ride 5th July.

Semach, you must have made quite an impression in Swansea, as some guy pulled alongside me at when point and recounted how he had given you directions when you did your long distnace ride.
He remembered that you were on your way to Nottingham.

I guess it must have been your ravishing good looks that made such an impact.:D:D

LOL. Yeah, ummm, must have been my ravishing good looks! I’m sure he must give directions to lots of unicyclists passing through Swansea on their way to Nottingham, so I’m flattered that I’m the one he remembers :smiley:

Actually that’ll be Steve that 'Blue mentioned earlier in this thread. He tagged along with me for about 10 miles or so of my ride, which was quite handy as I’m not sure I would have found the best route out of there otherwise.


Ah yes, I thought we would give it a miss this year as it was almost a hurricane last year and people were blown off their bikes right left and centre. (It didn’t put me off, I’m used to falling off the uni all the time anyway but my son Sam absolutely refused - I’m hoping the trauma will have worn off for next year).

Did you like the route? It’s a path or two that I ride quite regularly.

Yes we did get to Shell Island and it was glorious weather but we were somehow busy doing other things and being sociable and I never actually did any unicycling :o
Next time :slight_smile:

Hmmmmm, me thinks that the ride and the cramp is now taking its toll. Yesterday and today I have been walking in the style of a geriatric who has just soiled himself, and groaning every time I stand.
Oh well, at least I know from past experience that today will be the nadir, and in the long term it will only make me stronger.

No pain no gain (should be a lot of gain from this then):D:D

Yeah, I wondered about possible delayed after effects when you described the cramp on the day.The way you describe walking at present sounds like a good tuck position for a looooong unicycle ride :slight_smile: So If you get someone to plant you on the seat you will look normal … just trying to help :stuck_out_tongue:

Anyway, can’t think where I’ve heard it before but…your old enough to know better :wink: Get fit soon :smiley:

Some shots of the finish here, just scroll down the page.

He caught us at the start too.

Excellent! thanks for the links. I think my college is going to purchase some of the pics for their promotion purposes. Now that’s forward thinking :smiley:

Cheers for the link Blue.