The Definiton Of Street - Video Competition

I don’t wanna see any flatland, no matter what the trick is :stuck_out_tongue: but whatever, if you think it’ll suit the street feel, go for it. I’ll probably have a few street lines with a few flips on flat between things.

for me every trick in flat is flatland. just imagin: rollingwrap down 2 staris (its a flat trick what you sayed but its not in flat, so you can´t say flatland trick :roll_eyes: . its down 2 staris and so it´s street and not flat (flatland means in flat ground thought :roll_eyes: ) but a triplflip in flat is a flatland trick. you can´t say flatland tricks. you can just say were you do it: down something or in flat. and that splits flatland and street,it´s not the tricks that split flatland and street IMO :roll_eyes:

hope you can understand a little bit what i mean:D

Woah! my and my brothers birthday, maby a sign for me to be in?

don´t think so, new zeeland is on the other side of the planet.

I can’t promise anything, I suck at street. So I’m just doing this for fun because I love BIG street, but I dont ride street… I can’t wait to see all the entries here:)

I can’t promise anything, I suck at street. So I’m just doing this for fun because I love BIG street, but I dont ride street… I can’t wait to see all the entries here:)

i´ll probably in too ,i´ll wath how many good clips i get till the 17th

I’m in!

I may be in.

i’m in too :slight_smile: but maybe i’ll make a video together with matti :smiley:

Il try

Madsauce :sunglasses:

Im out. (probably)

Ahohohoho, wouldn’t that be a giant bucket of fun.

I dear you to try lol

nah it needs to b solid pure street, not watered down street or (as u call it) flux

ha ha ha ha ^^

I really want my uni back. damn you guy at the bike shop!!!

I’m looking forward to seeing these videos. I’ve been eying a few rails lately too, so we’ll see what I get done in the next couple months… I might have a late entry for it.

Kevin? I’m sure I wont win if you are there(I was already sure anyway)!

Gasp! Exciting! :smiley:

i’m in

Did Pat send you a message on facebook?