The Beginners "Today I..." Thread

a bit further

Well I managed to get past 3km on Saturday morning, but I started thinking about work and flopped off… Don’t know if I should be happy that I can now think and ride or sad that I obviously can’t do both at the same time for very long… Afterwards I went for a run.
Yesterday I got round the Honam International Marathon in 3:31:18 so feeling reasonably happy. I’ve decided that riding the uni is probably as hard as running training wise. I had been hoping I could ride the uni as light/recovery exercise.

For the guy coveting his neighbour’s pallets, they are a valuable commercial item. I worked in a retail job a few years ago where we counted inbound and outbound pallets. Anyway one of the golden rules of life, “if it’s not yours, it’s not yours.” But go and ask anyway, you never know what they will say and they are bound to be intrigued by your proposed use of the pallets.

And to the guy wondering about us old aged people, in the situation where someone is suddenly approached by a unicyclist, morris dancer sword swallower he/she is most likely going to be polite and show interest, that doesn’t mean they have a secret yearning. Otherwise we tend to have suffered the inconvenience of injuries and so on and are therefore a little more cautious.

And I’m going to sleep in tomorrow, no early morning ride. It’s been a tiring week.

Cheers all

Today I managed to do an epic body slam/belly flop onto some wooden pallets. Captured it on tape too :stuck_out_tongue:

…it was off my uni :stuck_out_tongue:
…and completely unplanned D:

however painful, it was damned funny- and as such, im counting it as an achievement. o.O

Im learning 180’s atm, I’ll be back here to boast when I land it! SOON!

Today I rode for a bit and then gave up. I was sore from yesterday and I kept falling. i figured I would end up really hurting myself. I have bruises on the front and inside front of my legs from SIF hopping. They are making hopping uncomfortable. I guess I’m a big ole baby! :stuck_out_tongue:
Back on the horse tomorrow.

Wow, this thread really took off didn’t it. I have not been unicycling in like, forever! It’s a horrible tragedy I know. The other day I went to ride my uni, I inflated the tire to find that the bead on the tire had seperated from the tread part! So Today I… got a new tire! And this means I will be unicycling again! It’s amazing how chubby I’ve gotten from not riding, that uni is a really good work-out huh?

It’s good to be back and it’s even better to see that so many people are enjoying themselves with all the new things they are learning!

Youtube Youtube Youtube!

Yay Dane M, welcome back, and thanks for starting this thread.
There was a stage where I was learning to ride and learning some freemounts where I found this thread so encouraging. Lots of the beginners have now progressed to intermediaters, but the thread still seems welcoming to real beginners. I lurk here and enjoy everyone’s achievements even though I rarely post here now. :slight_smile:

haha very nice, well I’m far behind now, I still have my balance, but my backwards riding is not as good as it was and I dare not try to do any 180s yet or 180 unispins again until I’m re-conditioned. I don’t want to injure my knees again

HI DANE! You will have it back in no time. Nice to hear from you again. I’m still quite the beginner. I suspect everyone is because we all try to progress to concur more challenges. (I still can’t hop up a blank-a-T-blank curb–pathetic).

Oh that’s fine, it’s always small steps, and practice practice practice. I’m very out of shape though, I forgot how in-shape I was when I was riding, I used to ride all day, today I rode down the street and I was out of breath.

i already posted this in the other thread but hey, why not?

i rode a giraffe unicycle for the first time, my psychology teacher lent it to me (badass, right? :D) and i got 4 or 5 cuts within the first 30 minutes of trying to get on the thing. but by the end of the day i had ridden halfway down my street. and i’ve only been unicycling since the beginning of 2010 :slight_smile:

Wow. i couldn’t imagine riding a giraffe.

Today I went for a 6km ride on my 36er. It was windy and I felt like turning back. i’m kind of realizing that you have to push through the beginner stages on the 36er. Hills and the wind affect you more and it can be more challenging. I catch myself wanting to go to my 29er but I know I have to log some time on the 36 to get better.

I also took my trials uni to my new favorite curb to work on skinnies and got really frustrated. I kept hopping onto the curb and proceeding to fall off. I tried a different tactic and concentrated on looking further ahead but that didn’t help much. Any skinny rail riding tips?
I gave it a rest and worked on idling and riding backwards. I managed about 10 back and forth idles and about 20’ backwards once or twice. I also made a little obstacle course out of trash I found on the ground to work on my agility and turning. I found that at times I had trouble turning one way or the other. I don’t really know why.
I went back to the curb and rode about 15’ along it like it was the easiest thing in the world once but couldn’t do it again.
A positive thing that I took from today is that I am able to consistently rolling hop up small curbs without hesitation. It is something I have seen some improvement with.

Well I feel annoyed that I still can’t idle!

Well practicing this morning and I can idle for about 3-4 (rubbish I know but tbh I haven’t been trying)
I am getting better at riding backwards now, I managed a few meters today and it felt good.

I can however now do jump mounts and rolling mounts all the time and ride with the unicycle back to front but that’s about it for the moment :stuck_out_tongue:


today i

thought about riding my uni to school but chickend out

Why not? I used to ride my uni a few blocks from where I parked my car to one of my college campuses, you get some really funny looks sometimes it’s so funny.

3 miles away

And? I rode to the grocery store where my wife works to give her her wallet… 5 miles or more… Took 45+ minutes
Granted I am riding a 29’r so I can do 6.5 MPH (yes I clocked it! LOL)

I’m not following, what is riding with the “unicycle back to front”?

I’m jealous. A rolling mount looks really cool when done right. Just walking along and then with seemingly no effort the rider is on and riding.

My static mount is coming along nicely. I hit it first or 2nd try all the time now. (even with people watching)

I had to take a couple of days off from riding. I got a saddle sore the other day doing a 4.5 mile ride. It’s just about healed today. Tonight I’m going to work on hopping again. My 1st attempts the other day could only be called pathetic.

Today I:

Rode backwards 158 feet!
UPD’d while going fast backwards - NOT GOOD.

As they say, it’s not a good idea to ride faster than you can run.
Well, I can’t run very fast backwards… :astonished:

You can probably do it now, Just walk along until the pedal reaches the position you mount from and hop up!

I find it easier than a standard freemount but if I’m standing still I still freemount normally. I can do it at a jogging speed now which does look pretty cool. :slight_smile:

I’m practicing jump mounts so that I can learn to get my feet in the right places in preperation for trying to do unispins. :stuck_out_tongue:


Ok you guys have convinced me to try it.