The Beginners "Today I..." Thread

Today I :
Learned to walk a trail and scout it out before flying through a downhill section blindly.
Small hill, pretty clean and smooth, good speed run area. Dead ends at the bottom after a curve (blind curve!) at the edge of a 30+ foot drop into a river. :astonished:
I made it around the corner and got to the T and grabbed a small tree on the right like a cartoon… It WORKED! LOL.
From now on I will hike anything unfamiliar first if alone!
I took a picture but my cam is in the car right now and I just came from the bar, will post in the morning :sunglasses:

Yesterday I also bought my first uni off a friend… I can now ride down my road and up and down small (ramps/hills?) and down kerbs, can’t get up them yet,:slight_smile:

Welcome! Glad to have another rider join our community :slight_smile:

Today I landed my first backroll and crankflipped before landing, by accident! I can’t even do crankflips :astonished:

Me! it was me! :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah, does anyone else feel that they need to get more people involved in unicycling? I think it’s one of those things that you feel you need to do.
All the time I’m chatting to people, I’m trying to get them interested :smiley:


Yeah, for sure!

Whenever people stop and talk to me I offer for them to have a go. The typical response seems to be something along the lines of “oh no, I could never do that”, When I reassure them I get “ohhh, but you don’t know me…I’m so uncoordinated”, “I’ll hurt myself” etc

Has anyone else noticed that? Alot of people seem to really want to be able to do it but just won’t try.

Yep, all the time. They young’ns seem to be more daring! I think as soon as people pass 25 they seem to be much less daring and all seem to make up excuses :slight_smile:

Get off my lawn! :smiley:

Well, as this is the “Beginner Today I… thread”, I will post what I have managed more recently on the 24" qu-ax:
A side mount on to the unicycle from it lying down
A 3ft drop from a ramp
A 180deg spinning hop (while on the unicycle)
Jumping mount (to standing unicycle - once!)
50cm sidehop (not measured - just guessing)
and a bit of art on a tree consisting of skin off my arm :frowning:

No doubt some of that has technical names but I am still a beginner!
When I get my koxx early next week I hope to be able to do more as it’ll be a 20" and considerably lighter.


I don’t like the direction this is taking. This is not the discussion for who is daring or not daring, and not the place to be drawing differences based on peoples ages.

This is a thread about people’s accomplishment, no matter how easy or basic.

Well I was bringing it back on topic :slight_smile:

Today I managed nothing new :frowning:

I didn’t mean to put anyone down, I was just wondering why so many people want to ride but don’t try…anyway, it doesn’t matter :slight_smile:

Today I did my first few rolling hops up curbs! I did better than I thought, I’m really keen to try rolling hops down a set of stairs now…any advice before I go and hurt myself? :stuck_out_tongue:

The initial query wondering why people do and don’t try out a uni was fine. I just didn’t like the direction it was starting to turn, about old people not being daring, etc. It’s an interesting question but I just feel it belongs in its own thread.

Nothing new from me today either. Might head out to my driveway in a few and do some idle practice. Otherwise its a distance ride in the morning before the rain gets here.

Hi, comparing to all this century riders I feel like beginner so I’ve choosen this thread. Yesterday I’ve done more than 20km trip for the first time. What is better it got even a bit more than 20 miles. More or less half of it was out of paved road (usually doubletrack).
I’m suprised about how well I feel today. No soreness in “sitting parts”, no problems with muscles. I’m ready for more next weekend :slight_smile:

This weekend I started working towards 180 unispins (I asked what to learn next and that’s the answer I got!). I’m still a way off, although I’ve almost landed a few. Learning tricks like this on a 24" makes it hard, but I’ve seen them done so they must be possible and I’m sticking at it!

To start off with, I learnt the 180 jump mount. If you can already do a jump mount it’s actually more about confidence than technique. The most important part is to only spin the uni once your feet have left the ground, not spin it first and then jump on - this is the part that I’m still working on! :smiley:

Any comments / suggestions on my techhnique would be greatly appreciated. I’m aiming to do a 180 unispin so I want to get this part right first!

Ha, I’ve never even seen that mount. Looks like it’s coming along!

That is a lot of pallets in the background! Think of the trials course you could build with those! Cool mount.

I haven’t posted in this thread since page 57. We have a long winter and I’m finally getting back out riding. I am starting my third season but I still think of myself as a beginner. I am so impressed by the progress some people have made in this thread. I am definitely a slow learner.
I loaned my trials uni to a friend last year and I haven’t ridden it since last spring. I took it out tonight and felt like I was relearning how to ride it. After about 20 minutes I got more comfortable. I was doing SI, SIF and rolling hops up curbs. I also worked on pedaling SIF and managed to ride backwards for about 20’. That is kind of where I left off last year on my trials uni.
I also found a great curb tonight that was about 8" wide with a 6" drop on either side. It was great for working on riding skinnies. I am pretty lousy at that and could only go less than a metre.
I mostly rode muni on my 29er last year and I’m hoping to do more trials this year (as long as my ankle holds up) and get some distance on my new 36er.
My goals for the next little while; riding fairly skinny lines for at least a few feet, SIF hop 20-30cm, pedaling SIF without any problems, and a 10km ride on my 36er.
I’m pretty excited!:slight_smile:

Shin pads and a helmet can’t hurt! My KH leg armor saved me last week during a bad muni fall. I went down a steep dip and my feet came off the pedals as I started going up. I was launched a couple feet in the air and my landed with the side of my leg on a big rock. With the leg armor I dusted off and laughed about it. Without it there would have probably been a trip to the emergency room involved.

Indeed, I only just noticed those on a second viewing.

I need to find somewhere to get pallets from! and I need somewhere to put them up in a trials course. There is a spot in someone’s field that I have spied! I will have to go and ask them some day. They also seem to have a rather large bonfire pile with a few pallets and some other wood bits :stuck_out_tongue:


Indeed, I live opposite some sort of pallet yard. They buy up pallets left right and centre. I’m not sure if they sell them on again, as the pile seems to grow and never get any smaller (they’ve only been there about 4 months).

I have been in there and had a ride around, and I’ve thought about stealing some pallets as they often leave the place unlocked overnight, but my garden is too small to be building any kind of trials course! :smiley:

Shame they aren’t just free :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah I know what you mean! :frowning:
