[Street]Trial Dance

If I manage to borrow a camera, I’m gonna make another movie with some proper riding.

We only spent about 40 minutes filming this one(probably less) and I had 2:08 minutes of footage to work with. So, I’m not exactly at my best here. Plus, it was a few months ago.

Thank you for your replies, guys. And sorry for the download inconvenience.

Nice video. I like to see vids with attempts not just the end result.

As for people having issues running the video try Media player classic, it will open just about any video file. Get it here http://sourceforge.net/project/downloading.php?group_id=82303&use_mirror=easynews&filename=mpc2kxp6490.zip&38182658

EDIT: I almost forgot to mention a site that you can find information on just about any video type. Doom9.net has everything from encoders to free codec, and good documentation on all of the files available on the site.

very nice. I like u tire haha. it took me about 3mins to dl. went at about 80kb as i was downloading something else too.
keep up the good work.

Cool video. I saw a couple Monty Python refs.