STOMP Muni Fest 2017 Video

That was great! Looked like some really fun trails to ride. And those little races on the odd unicycles reminds me of the early Muni Weekends, where we did some similar stuff.

I’m a little bummed that we didn’t have a Muni Weekend out here this year, but it’ll be back next year, I’m sure. :slight_smile:


That looked like a great time. I could not get away this year. Post next years dates as soon as you can. I’m in. Jeff c

That’s a great video! And fast work by Will making it.

I’m bummed out that I missed it this year, but my back is hating me, and muni. We’ll be back (no pun intended) next year.

Great video, awesome riding. Thanks for sharing. =)

Fun! Thanks!

Oh that does look like a super FUN time! Someday! Thanks for sharing such a fine capture of the events!