I get zero spam on my Verizon DSL account except for the numerous daily requests of assistance getting money out of the bank accounts of deceased African dictators, deceased exiled corrupt African bank officials, etc.
Not sure why only your Nigerian scams are getting through. You want help? Sounds like you have some really good anti-spam protection working for you! You should see how much I get, even though I use Cloudmark SpamNet. I like SpamNet (now called SafetyBar) because it produces extremely low false-positives. I get emails from random people all over the world, so I can’t do the whole blacklist thing.
The spams I get are generally whatever my SpamNet software doesn’t already know about. This usually means the newest ones.
i use hotmail with no spam filter, and yet the only junk mail i get is the occasional (once a week) email from my university or even less frequent email from hotmail. even though i occasionally post my email address online, i have never had a spam problem. one suggestion i can give is to set up a backup account at yahoo or hotmail and if you have to give your email to a website that you know will send crap, give your alternate address. this way you can still get to the mail if you have to activate an account or something like that and your main account will be spam free.
When I saw SPAM question I though “He’s intersted in meat?” but I was disapointed .
I dont know how those go through your filter is likelly not recanizing it as being spam. Is there a way that you can add it to spam like the web based email is?
Thread-jacking my own thread: On at least two levels this is one of the most beautifully poorly constructed non-sentences I’ve read on this board in a while.
The only filtering I have going on is whatever Verizon is offering. I have a crappy freebie firewally thingy that I downloaded from one of the major security software companies. I’m replacing this PC in January.
I have never gotten on of those 419 scam emails on any of my email accounts. Very strange , considering that some people gets lots of them. I feel kind of left out.
Don’t you know what they want? As much of your money as they can get! I’m not up for that.
Anyway, I revise my earlier post. You should never respond to any spam, phishing, or other form of scam email, PERIOD. Doing so puts you on a “live email” or otherwise “sucker” list. You will just get more spam.
You can read up on the Nigerian family of scams to find out what happens to people who try to string them along, or otherwise get sucked into their offers for felony money laundering (that’s what it basically is). I wish I could remember where that web site was, but you could start with snopes and see if there’s anything there.
Oh no! I don’t need that kind of fun in my email box. When I feel the need for a good old 419 email I go to one of the many web pages about those scams.
I am humbly apologeticalising for the untoward manner of this letter. Firstly in general for the very reason that u may feel that u do not need me (or vice versa), and B) specifically for this intrusion upon your busyness day.
Introducing myself i must tell u that i am the son of my mother, not an usual occurence in my country, where i have now inherited the monies made by my father when he helped the oil tycoons take over the goverment in my country (a usual occurence in my country).
The problem is that since i’ve had no offspring of my own, and because i have a different surname to my father and don’t have the money to bribe the man at the bank, i have now to turn to u i have found here in the World Wide Internet because u have the same name as my father, now deceased.
If u were to open an account in my countries bank, it would result in the money being transferred to yourself becasue of this name u share. of this money i will be declaiming a finder’s fee as is usual in bussiness transactions of this nature, one amounting to 80% of this money. for your time and trouble a transactional fee equal to the remaining 20% will be left in the account.
please help me with this in the trust that i place on u
Has anyone used Mozilla Thunderbird long enough to form an opinion? It seems to have some sort of adaptive filtering, learning from your choices of “Junk” and “Not Junk” email. After three months of use I’ve only experienced one false positive and a few false negatives.
Hotmail had introduced some impressive spam filtering some months ago which actually reduced my 20-some spams/day to one or two. Not one month later everyone figured out how to get through the filter and I’m back up to 20 spams/day.
How do you feel about e-postage? Requiring even a 1-cent “postage stamp” on emails could drastically reduce spam. I wouldn’t mind paying for the service… although it seems like an overhaul of the entire Internet would be required to support such a thing.