South African Uni-Hockey

Might I suggest that you run it through a spell check before making it “Official”. I don’t mean to be nit-picky (please note sarcasm) but I’m not certain if “anough” is actually a measure of quantity.

See you later.


“descibed” & “commitee” could use a little tweaking, too

Content is good, though :slight_smile:


edit: don’t forget to post a few pics after the event

hey! sarcasm-junkie…:wink:
i was planning on running it through the girlfriend
she can fix grammar as well
and boy do i need it
then again, if this thread continues the way it’s going now, the spelling will be perfect in no time
maybe i should start a new thread with that piece of text as the first post and call the thread ‘Most Re-Writes’
(btw. i spend most of my time working on a PC that does not have any word-processing software. that’s my excuse and i’m sticking to it.)

nickjb, jayne (and her recently aquired digi-cam) would be in charge of taking photos at and of the event
so i’m hoping we’ll be able to stick something up here on monday

As I am now official photographer, I’ll try to have a gallery up by Sunday. Maybe I’ll even manage to squeeze in a video of Dave saying “kewl” for all the interested parties. :wink:


This I want in slow motion, please.

Good luck with all the Uni-Hockey endeavors.

Raphael Lasar
Matawan, NJ

after all the talk of rough drafts (ahem…), official versions and spell-checkers, check this out…
and bookmark the site
i have no idea if anything will come of it, but it sure can’t hurt

sorry to ask a completely different question, but do any of you know of any trials and Muni riders in cape town?


not off the top of my head
we’re in the beginning phase of creating a cyber-home for unicycling in south africa so that less people buy a uni, learn to ride and then kinda chucks it in the garage
because the numbers are so small (and most of us came to unicycling thru juggling) we decided to have only one initiative so as not to needlessly split our efforts
for more info, please visit the Yahoo group that we created
we’ll use this untill such time as is up and running
i hope to eventually have to serve the uni community exclusively
if u do know of any uni’ers in south africa anywhere, please get them in touch with me or me in touch with them?

time to BUMP this thread again
we’ve decided to move our playing time a bit later in the afternoon as summer is arriving with some conviction and 13h00 in the afternoon is still quite blistering
to do that, we had to move out playing day as well
so, in the unlikely event of any lurking south african unicyclists reading this, we’ll get together on SUNDAY the 7th of November at 15h00
if u’re interested in joining us, there are directions on how to find the venue higher up in this thread

i wish u could set a monthly BUMP on a thread
then i wouldn’t have to search to find this one again
but i’ll hang in there
fully believing that one day, one lurking south african unicyclist will see this thread and join us for a thrilling game of unihoki

we’re playing agin this sunday, the 5th of dec, at 15h00
after the game, we’ll perform the time-honoured south african tradition of a ‘bring-n-braai’

should be fun, hope to c u there

Re: South African Uni-Hockey

On Fri, 3 Dec 2004 01:53:36 -0600, “GILD” wrote:

>i wish u could set a monthly BUMP on a thread

Oh no GILD! If we could, I guess many people would set the BUMP
feature on their threads, and we might spam our own forum to death.
Feel free to manually bump though, because it is driven by your
continued passion and that’s OK.

As far as I’m concerned, it would be OK if the automatically bumped
threads are copied to a separate Autobump forum - in addition to
remaining unchanged on the original forum. The Autobump forum will get
known as the forum of stuff you’ve seen before and is likely to be
outdated anyway. How many people would go there? And on a regular
basis at that, or a specific thread is already ‘bumped down’ by

Klaas Bil - Newsgroup Addict

“Deflating pi does not reduce calories, it just concentrates them. - billham”

Re: Re: South African Uni-Hockey

have no fear Klaas, i was (half) kidding
either way, i would see it as a moderator’s tool (a bit like making a thread ‘Sticky’) and not one for the rest of us to wield at will

just some feedback ref the unihoki
it’s taken since July, but we finally managed to get a ‘proper’ game of unihoki together
by ‘proper’ i mean that we had 10 players and could play 5-a-side for the first time
comparing yesterday’s play to our initial wobbles in July was kinda fun

i emailed south africa’s main ‘Cycling’ TV show, called SuperCycling , last week and told them about us and what we’re doing and basically told them that we can do with all the exposure we can get and i’m sure they can do with an entertaining filler
the guy just phoned me back 5minutes ago
sadly he missed yesterday but asked me to forward him our list of fixtures (we have a list of fixtures now?!? :astonished: ) so we can get together next year as they’d love to cover it
and once we have them at the UniHoki, we’ll get them to cover the long-distance riders

we’re just waiting for some uploading to take place then i’ll post a link to the pics from yesterday
we experimented with a new photographer yesterday
by early next year we should also be able to record the games on a digi-vid cam so we can sit and do video-analysis after the game
smoke, mirrors and good fun

on the downside, the In-Line Hockey Rink we’ve been using has recently been resurfaced
they used a bitumin-based surface which is wonderfull to play on but, according to someone from the club, a bit too soft to deal with the pedals of the unis when a player falls
the indentations cause by the pedals may be a problem
we’re looking into rubber-strips to place around the ends of the pedals because we really don’t want to lose this venue

now u know


Re: Re: Re: South African Uni-Hockey

as promised
and now u’ll be safe from this thread untill the first week of jan
have a peacefull SAUniHoki-Free Festive Season

Re: South African Uni-Hockey

On Wed, 8 Dec 2004 07:25:26 -0600, “GILD” wrote:

>and now u’ll be safe from this thread untill the first week of jan

Until the replies kick in. Hey, I liked that external airseat!

(Edit: later I saw you started a separate thread on this, but I’ll
leave my reply in here.)

Klaas Bil - Newsgroup Addict

“Deflating pi does not reduce calories, it just concentrates them. - billham”

Re: Re: Re: Re: South African Uni-Hockey

i hope u enjoyed the break 'cause as of right now, we’re ba-a-ack

First UniHoki Meet for Twenty-oh-Five will be this Sunday the 16th at 15h00
usual place
R35 per player
spectators free
if u need directions, shout

this is still an issue
Jason got a whole bunch of rubber pipes that should be ideal for this purpose
we’ll cable-tie them onto the pedals before the game on Sunday and then a representative of the InLine Club will inspect them and make the call
if they decide that we can’t use the main rink, we can use a tennis court at the same venue and look for something better for next month, but i’m hopefull
i’m also hoping that the lure of TV coverage might work in our favour:p

C U Sunday!

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: South African Uni-Hockey

WOW - how’s that for inflation! In your SMS you said R25 a player. In your response here you also quoted R25. What’s the extra R10 for? :thinking:

R10 - by the way - is equivalent to a McFlurry! :wink:


bad finger!
ba-a-ad finger!!


so sorry

Yeah, it’s that time of the month again…

…It’s time to gather at the Ranger’s In-Line Hockey rink for an afternoon of fun
and UniHoki!!!

wait, that didn’t come out right

oh well, would be kewl if u can make it
we have a journalist from yon local rag joining us for some research, chatting and picture taking for an in-depth, investigative feature into the state of UniHoki in South Africa

it would be nice to have a good turnout
and a bunch of ‘crowd people’ would also be kewl

c u there?

Re: Yeah, it’s that time of the month again…

I’ll be there!

(uh, wait a minute, far-away continent, different hemisphere, can’t afford the plane ticket…nuts, I’ll have to miss it :frowning: )
But, the next best thing will be enjoying some more excellent photos–which I do hope you post, being that the first group were quite outstanding!
Especially that fantastic airseat! (I may borrow that concept for my own uni for the upcoming LBI unithon…does that airseat have a name? Who is the inventor? It really IS a good idea!)
UniHoki looks like a lot of fun! Keep the rest of us posted on your progress!

Re: Re: Yeah, it’s that time of the month again…

that is indeed unfortunate
'twould’ve been good to have ya

why thank u kind sir
they took a lot of work
especially the captions
many beers were drunk while composing those insighfull bits of comentary
it’s good to note that our efforts aren’t going unnoticed

the inventor is Mr Heath…i mean Devin Howell
in his defence, it must be pointed out (and the very first set of pics point this out) that he started playing UniHoki on a savage seat
i don’t think even the court of common good taste would convict him for that airseat now
he’s subsequently (finally) listened to my sage advice and bought himself some cycling shorts
simmilar to the WWE fashion statement i wore in some of the earlier pics
we play on the same team and do look a bit like a tag team when the shirts come off sometime during the second game
that airseat is no more

in my never ending quest to elevate UniHoki to, at least, Olympic level, i’ve taken the MTV-inspired view that nothing gets to be hip nowadays unless it’s misspelt
UniHoki Rawks!!

the rest of this forum will curse u for your encouragement of my unsolicited rantings about UniHoki in this far flung corner of the dark continent
fear not the tide of public opinion, i will post updates regularly

which reminds me
we’re also playing next week
two weeks in a row?!?
what is this world coming to?, i hear u ask
well, it’s quite simple really
we’ve allways played on the first Sunday of every month
craig mullen, in pretoria, (yeah, the original Cokeur in South Africa, u remembered him? i’m impressed) plays the saxophone in a big brass band
they only practise once a month
guess when?!?
yeah, first sunday of the month
even at the same time!
who organises a big brass band practise at 15h00 on a sunday afternoon?
have ye no consideration man?
oh well
so, to facillitate craig joining us, and sharing transport with the other guy driving from pretoria (mr airseat, btw), we’re switching from the first sunday of the month to the second sunday of the month
and to ensure a smooth transition, alan suggested that we play both weeks and see how it goes
there have been some rumblings to play more regularly than our current once-a-month
i’m still cautiously suggesting that we rather have a big gathering once a month than a watered down version once a week
we’ll see how it goes

i can’t imagine too many people are still reading this lil’ rant of mine
i’ll ask anyway
we’ve got this journo coming to the game on sunday and i’ve been thinking about putting together a Press Pack for him with some basic info about the game
such as the (in){sic}correct spelling of UniHoki and a copy of the rules
can anyone think of anything else that would be good to have in there?

suggestions, please

aren’t u impressed, Tom?