Skill level question

I’m on my second week of learning to unicycle and i have a question abuot the skill levels. On level 3, one of the challenges is to ride over a ride over a 10 x 10 cm obstacle. Now i have some bricks but they’re not the right size. I can ride up a 10 cm curb, but i dont have an object to ride clean over, would you say a curb counts? is it that much different than riding OVER something?

PS: any sugestions for objects? i dont really have any wood at my disposal…

It must suck to be a hermit with no wood or other resources. :slight_smile:

A curb is not the same as riding over a 10 x 10cm obstacle, so you’ll need to find something closer. Your brick doesn’t sound bad. Of course if you ride (or hop) over something bigger, that works as well.

Good luck!

1 1/2 bricks should do it. You probably already know this but if you dont cheack it out. unicycling levels

Re: Skill level question

You can come and borrow this thing.

Klaas Bil

Or you could follow the instructions on his page to make one, that way you wouldn’t have to spend 400 bucks on a plane ticket :roll_eyes: