Sign up for workshops 2004!


I need more volunteers to lead workshops at NAUCC beginning at 4 p.m. on Tuesday, July 13.

We’ll be playing lots of games in the gym that evening, but we can run some workshops too. There will be workshops at various other times during the convention, from Wednesday through Sunday.

Even if you aren’t an “expert,” please sign up to lead a workshop or two. It’s all about sharing information, so if you can help get a group organized, that would be great.

We’ll be using a daily message board during the convention to announce times and places for workshops.

Here’s a list of some of the sessions we’ll run if we can. Many still need leaders. Please let me know if you can help out and when.

If you’re interested in attending any of these, please respond here or send me an e-mail. I’ll try to notify you of the workshop time and place once NAUCC begins if I know you’re interested in attending.

If you have other ideas for workshops and discussions, please let me know.

e-mail address:

Active workshop sessions:

  1. Learning New Freemounts

  2. Backwards, One-footing

  3. Wheel walking

  4. Spins, pirouettes, other skills

  5. Skill Testing

  6. Innovations in Unicycling – new or bizarre unicycles

  7. Maintenance – how to change a tire, proper air pressure, making air seats, best crank length

  8. Teaching Friends, Spouses, Kids to Ride – all beginners welcome to participate as guinea pigs

  9. Parade Routines – successful formations, new formations, audience appeal

  10. Preparing an Individual Artistic Freestyle Routine – music, choreography

  11. Pairs Riding – new moves, using music, choreography, preparing routines

  12. Group Routines – formations, new ideas

  13. Hockey and Basketball – how to play, tips and strategies

  14. Other Games – Quidditch, Sumo

  15. Riding a U Wheel or Coasting Wheel

  16. Juggling and Riding

  17. Trials moves

  18. Swap Meet: T-shirts, collectibles, equipment, whatever

Discussions (sit-down sessions)

  1. How to Start a Club

  2. Club Issues – Keeping Riders Challenged, Insurance Issues, Performing, Financial Issues

  3. How to Keep Riders Motivated with Games and Incentives

  4. New Skills Development System – Overview and New Skills Handbook, Rider Tier: Beginners, Technical Division, Artistic Division, other new divisions including Tall, U Wheel, and Juggling; Expert Tier and Championship Club

  5. Standard Skill – increasing participation

  6. Racing – shortening the time needed for the events

  7. Future events – Planning regional events, NAUCC for the future, Unicon, and other events

  8. USA Communication – using e-mail, web site updates, newsletter

  9. USA Merchandise – new products

  10. USA Rulebook – updates

  11. USA Committees Review – bylaws, recruiting volunteers, new committees, membership requirements, budgeting, expenses, long-range plans

  12. USA Affiliates – affiliation requirements, maintaining affiliates lists, providing more support to affiliates

I’ll be fascinated with anything, assuming that my membership comes through in time.

I plan to attend:

  1. Learning New Freemounts

  2. Backwards, One-footing

And any other novice workshops I hear about, especially idling and hopping.

I’m to new to teach anything except helping newbies learn to ride.


I’ll take that as an “I’ll help with the Teaching People to Ride” workshop. You’re in.



Oops, better watch it with this one guys - she’s sharp, quick and takes names! :astonished: :astonished: :smiley:

I’ll help where I can, but I am not awfully good.


Your USA, Inc. membership application dated June 17, 2004 was received June 21. It was processed by the Treasurer and sent to the Vice President on Saturday, June 27. The Vice President will be send out your membership card after he enters your information into our membership database.

You do not need to have your membership card in your hands before you come to Salt Lake City. We had not received your registration for NAUCC 2004 as of Saturday, June 27.

Tom Daniels
President, Unicycling Society of America, Inc.

Thanks Tom.
As far as NAUCC, at that time I still wasn’t sure I’d be going and, since I ain’t good enough in any :o thing to compete, I wasn’t worried about the competitors price increase.


Trust me. You’re good enough to compete.


Eveyone is good enough to compete at a unicycle convention. We will always be about having fun. We have everything from the top champions to the first-timers, and something for everyone.

I wanted to bump this one back to the top. I amost didn’t even see it! If you’re coming to NAUCC in Salt Lake City, please get involved in the workshops. Share skills you have, or c’mon down and check out what others are offering. There is much to see, learn and do! Some of these workshops are just thinly veiled games and other participation stuff too.

Like the Sumo workshop I will probably conduct…

All you folks in Utah, Colorado, Idaho and otherwise within a day’s driving distance, if you’re not going to Japan, you should not miss this event! It’s nothing like anything else you’ve ever been to. It’s every kind of unicycling, all in one place where you get to see, experience, and try all sorts of things. You will meet all kinds of interesting people. NAUCC may not return to this part of the country for many, many years. The USA has been doing this for over 30 years, and this is the first convention in this whole section of the country. Come on down!

We’re considering Sumo for Tuesday evening, along with other games.

Anyone willing?
