Shaving a TRY-ALL tyre bald

Almost done cutting all the knobbies on the sides off! This tire better be worth it

okay sorry about all that lazy crap back there…i searched and found otu…so has anyone tried to shave a sticky fingers???

Same here

I finished shaving all the knobs off and started on sanding. Its starting to look pretty cool

When its cold outside and warm in your garage.

I’m also very impatient in the sense that when I start on something I like to get it done fast

try a carving knife on hard inflated tyre,aim to leave about 1mm of tread.should take less than half an hour.will transform worn out knobby with flat profile to something that feels like new profile wise and is a great way of getting the most out of a tyre.unless your worried about the look dont bother with sanding it will work just fine as is.

Haha, of course your house painting experience makes it easy for you to shave trials tires :wink:

Someone (Koxx1 maybe?) needs to make a slick or semi-slick 19" tire soon.

No no, my tire shaving is pure rubbish… its the sanding where I excel (using orbitals months at a time), hahah. Now if I were a butcher, a barber, or maybe the fruit salad guy at the local deli I could wax a thing or two about shaving. :smiley: Hell if I could wax a thing or two I wouldnt have to shave at all…

On your second thougth, I think K1 has been toying with that idea.

I’m a butcher, and it took me like 10 minutes to get one nub off my luna.

wow haha that made my week right there

thanks ntappin

someone should sig that

are you trying to sig it?

Almost done with sanding one side, should be finished in about 30 min


Now all thats left is to buy a new rim,hub,spokes and cranks

I’ll be shaving my monty 2.7 soon enough, for street/gym use… Probably use the bench and angle grinders tho, as I recon that they’d work pretty fast.
I noticed that my bald creepy crawler was gonna last for ever, but eventually the bead got to the point where it would no longer stay on the rim, else I would have kept it.

I shaved mine completely.
Im done after like 3 weeks.
Haha its not like ive been woring all the time thoiugh…
Its sickkk
But i cant ride it…
waiting for some CF!!!

and Agent Q is right…
lets start up the convo here…

an angle grinder will set your tire on fire pretty quick and they suck to use.
i tried it when i shave d my tirea and i was prety close to setting it on fire.
so i stopped.
a planer works much better.

yea a planer…hang on Emile, ill post a pic…

but the kind that looks like a cheese grater…

it worked for me perfectly.
i got a ton of tire off before i accually started sanding.

like from start to finish?

well i did this method…
first used a hack saw…

then used the plane, kinda looks like this

then i used a sander with 60 grit paper…