Scans of the new On One Wheel

In twenty years or so, ala this thread and it’s predecessors, Internet access will be biometrically controlled, e.g. through fingerprints or some such technology. Since fingerprints (or whatever) will be on file they will be a determinant of age and be used to control what kids can and can not do, can or can not view, etc. Lawsuits will result when websites allow children inappropriate access or adults let kids “borrow” their fingerprints.

And somebody will post something that says something like:

“Remember when we were kids and we just went on the Internet and posted and read stuff. Our parents weren’t watching our every mouse click and we didn’t get warped or abducted. Kids now are way overprotected.”

Of course it will be the kids who didn’t get warped or abducted who will be there to kvetch about it. :wink:

Fact is, that “magazine” is actually just an illustrated newsletter. With all the enegy folks put into posts on this site, and in posting pics and vids, the uni community could collectively come up with a pretty good mag providing folks contributed stories and photos. And with self publishing pretty well worked out, such a publication is financially possible as well. ou probably won’t come up with a uni version of Surfer’s Journal or Alpinist, but there’s surely some stories out there worth telling and reading.

It’s just a mater of someone with the time putting out the effort (for absolutely no pay).

I’d subscribe.


We aren’t listed in the phone book

Okay, everybody is really scaring me now. I’m seriously freaked out and will do ANYTHING to stop this. Honestly, what can I do? Please just tell me what to do and I’ll do it so I won’t get abducted. Please please tell me what to do!

I just noticed something, I just found Seager’s parent’s names, school, town, and all of his personal info. I’m obviously not going to share it, but just wanted to let him know.

Stop posting personal information, including your home town, the name of your school, pictures of your house where we can make out your address, and stop using your real name. Posting pictures of yourself is OK as long as you don’t have any personal information anywhere else. When you are older (17+) then feel free to start giving out personal information again.

Also, ask you Dad and Mom what you should do. Why are we the ones parenting you, telling you that piracy is wrong, and trying to keep you safe? Maybe direct them to this thread so they can read it, and then maybe they can take steps to keep you safe as well. They can help make sure you don’t post personal information, in case you forget.

If you stay anonymous, you stay safe. Just don’t use your real name or post where you live. You can say how old you are and that you are in washington all you want, just don’t say your city, name, school name, rich lawyer father, etc etc.

You can stop worrying if you start being safe :slight_smile:

I’m 24 and poor, I’m not at risk. Besides, my Mom’s dead, so I doubt you found my parents names, and I graduated a year and a half ago from Iowa State, so I’m not in school.

You made a good point though, we are all traceable. If you looked a little harder you’d find I live on 500 ave in Ames. However, I don’t care if people know where I live because I’m not 11. When you are 17+ start posting your personal info all you want, because no sicko is going to care.

I do know your parent’s names, I found them on your “road show” page. Their names start with a K and R.

oh yea, that was before she died. Kate and Robert Seager (they lived in Cedar Falls, I live in Ames). They were posted in a biography that I wrote for a xcountry trip when I was 22. (good job finding that, I guess I was still in school then too) Dude, I’m am EVERY easily found, I’m supposed to be. My resume is all over the internet. That’s why adults are in phone books and kids aren’t.

I hope you don’t think I’m attacking you, or that I’m hypocrytical. It’s purely an age thing. I’m trying to help. Probably nothing will ever happen to you, but it’s better safe than sorry. I promise your parents are on my side about this. Besides, if you involved them in this forum too we’d get to meet them, and they’d be able to stop you before you posted things that are copywrited. Then you’d just have a laugh within your family about it, instead of 100 people jumping all over you and being mean.

Thank you for you help. The answer to your question posed in your answer to my question (2b) is 1a and 1b matter because I would love to write an article, and I’m too lazy/ cheap to become a member of the USA.

As for the rest of this creepy forum, I would like to say that I have been very cautious about my info, and the picture to the left of this comment is the 3rd picture I have ever posted of myself on the internet (stupid-identity-jeapordizing-no-good-need-to-stop-living-vicariusly-through-other-people-and-get-a-life-of-their-own relatives have done it elsewhere). I don’t like to brag, but I am almost untracable to internet surfers like yourselves. The only thing you can know is the info I have posted on these forums and in my info, and on my (crappy-soon-to-be-erased) website. Oh yeah, and myspace, but that doesn’t have any good info about me at all.

So anyway, the conclusion is: no more starbucks espressos for me.

Or an interview with the Marsh’ sisters. Tanya is a former editor of OOW as well. And their internet website have motivated many unicyclists. Last thing I’ve heard she was living somewhere in East-Europe, so maybe Tyler can contact them trough Skype.


I’ve actually been thinking about this a lot, and I’d like to be a part of it. The thing is, I’d need to sell at least 5,000 subscriptions to break even just on the publishing costs. (assuming $5-6 a copy)Of course, that’ for a mag with glossy pics (which I think is mandatory).

…I’d love to see it in a magazine rack alongside some skater or mountain bike magazine’s.


I think you’d have to start with pretty modest goals. Considering many uni folk are kids, with very little money, I’d shoot for 1,000 folks to subscribe–at the most.

Another issue is that for actual stories, whihc is what floats a mag., you can pretty much write off trials and street stuff. Stories come from adventure, meaning you’d have to draw from gnarly Muni epics and Coker touring, otherwise youd’ just get journalism and reporting, not stories.

Just a few thoughts from someone who’s worked with mags for 30 years.


Vivalargo, I respect your experience of magazines, but I still feel that you may write off street, freestyle and trials too easily. Looking into a skateboarding mag, great articles can consist of street riding, interviews with profiles (including pictures of their riding) and trips to exciting urban terrain. Great stories can be told about trials and street competitions I believe!

Motorcycle magazines often feature impressive projects from readers, something we can see here on RSU too sometimes, cool new MUnis or sweet BC wheel setups, or recumberent cycles, multi-wheels, etc.

Also, a section could help beginners and intermediate riders on how to go about with certain skills, with plenty of photographical illustrations of course.

I know I’d buy a magazine like that, and I think some other people too…!

I was looking at one of my skateboard magazines and they have a trick tip in every issue with different tricks, beginner and advanced. The trick tips also have a photo sequence with captions under each picture explaining what the picture is showing. So maybe readers could write in what trick/skill they want to see (like one footed or wheel-walking) in each quarterly issue. Just an idea.

I would love to be involved somehow in the production of a Unicycling magazine, possibly a UK alternative to an american magazine with added UK content and using some of the US stories that cross the atlantic well (like Muni trails, interviews etc. Possibly things like gear reviews would have to be changed, and info on gatherings changed etc).

I’m thinking a Magazine along the lines of MBUK or similar, containing (amongst other things):

Main (Multi Page) Sections:
Stories (Muni & Coker, Tours etc)
Competition Reviews (Street & Trials, UNICON)
Interviews (Riders, Gear Suppliers, Members of the IUF)
Gear Reviews
Trick, Skill & Technique Hints & Tutorials (From ‘WW hints’ to ‘Surviving long distance rides’ or ‘Correct equipment for extreme conditions’)
Trail & Tour Route Reviews (Maps/Pics/Places to stay & stop)

Smaller (Single Page) Sections:
Photo Gallery (Normal/UPD Shots)
Website Reviews
‘From The Forums’ (Contains basic overview of topics covered here on RSU over the last month)
Construction Info (How to built your own Airsaddle/UW/Replace Bearings/Fix a Keyway)
Competition Results
Information on Gatherings & Meet ups.

There’s a lot of content when you stop to think about it. Basically every member of our community could benefit in more than one way from a mag like this, & I’d love to read about the experiences of the Muni riders, learn about new kit & the latest advances in technology.

When I’ve got time, I’ll mock up a contents page for a pseudo 1st issue, containing some sections I’d like to see in a mag of this type. If anyone’s got any real stories they’d like to have mocked up into a magazine style (pictures are pretty much a necessity) then zip a text doc of the article with some pics (or a word doc containing pics & text) and send it to:
Loose_moose_pie(obvious symbol)hotmail(point)com.

I’m not hoping for too much, but I hope to have something looking nice, and if we all work together to get an example mag designed and printed (even on a 1 off sample), we might get some publisher interest. Even if we can’t get a full magasine off the ground, some of the articles & design might be useful to OWW.


Wasn’t North involved in a project like this a little while ago?
I would search but I’m running late as it is…

Loose, check your pms (not too quickly, I’ve yet to write it!)

Thanks Amanda, anything would be good, if you want to send tutorials or tips specifically then a wide range of stuff would be excellent. I need to make the example mag with a pretty wide appeal, so easy medium or hard skills, tips on things like freemounting or dropping, unispins and so on. It has to aim for new riders and experienced people at the same time. Also any part of unicycling is good, so apart from tricks you could review some of the kit you use, or comment on the best clothing to wear in certain conditions. Also info of trails you ride (including rough sketch maps) would be good, I can neaten up the maps using software I’ve got.


The idea of others creating a unicycling magazine has been brought up many times. Until you actually do it, you have NO idea how much work is involved. I don’t want to discourage anybody, but I’ve been there. Putting out the first issue is both easy and difficult. Easy because you have a lot of people offering to help and write stories. Difficult because you have to do layout, photo editing, grammar editing, etc. And unless you do this professionally already, it is a challenge to learn this! Do you have the proper software? What about printing?

The next issues become MUCH more difficult as the people who so easily said they would help tend to fade into the distance. You spend many hours begging people to write and submit pictures. Then you spend more hours following up on information to make sure you have correct data.

At one time when I was Editor of OOW, I kept track of the hours I put into an issue. It was the equivalent of a full time job for almost a month. Are you willing to put that much time into a magazine? Or even more? Do you have a life (work, family, school, unicycling) that you are willing to put aside to put out a magazine? If you’re working full time (or in school), have a family (or parents/SO), or even like to unicycle more than one hour a week, you should think twice before taking on a project like this!
