Running errands on a Uni

Also on my 36 wheel I carried a full sized carpet shampoo machine home from the store as well. It was much harder to carry than groceries & beer but didn’t get the same laughs.

I’d like to see that one. We need a thread for pics like that. :slight_smile:


Once, years back when I used the unicycle for every journey, for shopping, visiting friends, even work stuff: on the occasions I went out without it, I found walking feeling really strange and almost unnatural.

The way feet move when walking is quite similar to the way they move when pedaling the unicycle, so, when I was walking, it felt ‘almost’ right, but not quite.

Absolutely- that’s a big reason I like the unicycle: avoids the necessity that comes with bikes of having to lug a ‘D-lock’ around and spend time locking/unlocking it every time you nip unto a shop.

While unicycles make it totally feasible to carry shopping bags, these days I just use my rucksack- it’s amazing how much weight you can carry on your back on a uni. Don’t particularly like riding with a heavy weight, so I usually just slot in the shopping after the main part of the ride, and find a heavy bag OK just for the short ride home from the shops.

Riding with a rucksack isn’t an advantage of a uni - when at uni ( :wink: ) I used to do a shop at the supermarket and carry my purchases home in a big rucksack on a bike.

Though since I last posted on this thread I’ve been on holiday with the family to the seaside and took my uni. Went to do the shop for the week on the uni - took my rucksack, but it wasn’t big enough to carry everything at which point we come to the advantage of a uni as I carried a bag in each hand.

That reminds me of staying in Camp 4 in Yosemite, on a month-long climbing trip in 1992. I remember carrying all my stuff on my uni along an easy trail to our campground, repeated trips back and forth with climbing gear, a haul bag, etc… It was pretty helpful!



Its not really an errand but its still incorporating a unicycle in to everyday life so I thought I would post a pic here :sunglasses:

Trying to using a giraffe to clean those high up hard to get bits on one of my motorhomes :astonished:

Homes? As in two?

Yes… I rent them :slight_smile:

Agh! Unicycle included!

Nice! Using a giraffe is way cooler than a ladder and possibly easier. (Depending on your proficiency of course.)

At a price of course :slight_smile:

How much to rent your g32 :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh now that’s a precious thing…around £5000 per day and you need to leave your first born child as a security deposit in case your scratch it!!

What if I have no first born child?

Any pets? or maybe a close blood relative? (not too old)

I’ll have a Kid just to ride it, or you can have Shmolagin :slight_smile:

lol… that would be a very unusual chat up line!!! Roses are red, violets are blue please may I procreate with you so I can ride a G32!!!

I just used it :wink:

Unfortunately I am not very proficient on the Giraffe :frowning: