rolling hop

Good effort.

If it were up, thats insane and I know you aren’t going that high. If its long, thats def not worth posting.

43 inches = 3ft 7in. No offense and good job, but not something worthy of a post in RSU.

I wanted to show this off outside of MR for a long time and this seems like a good place: I can hop 2.4m pretty solid now. My next target is 2.8m.

:astonished: nice. That’s almost 8ft. I can side hop gap 6 and half seat in. I can only do around 5ft rolling.

Any tips?

6 and a half feet is about 1.8m, isn’t it?
I can do about 1.6m seat out. I could do more, probably, but my tyre keeps folding, I even pinched a tube before.

For tips: try watching Skrobo’s rolling hop tutorial.
My tips: Practice at a moderate speed, when approaching the take-off spot - fold, when jumping unfold really fast, kind of snap. Fold again in the air to keep to keep the wheel off the ground for as long as possible, land. Increase the speed gradually.

“i only started trying to rolling hop today”

Me too.

After reading your post actually.

Not much over 30cm/12inches for me though.

6.5ft is 2.0m. I am going to practice roiling gaps today.
Thanks for em tips. I think I come too slow, and that’s why I haven’t improved much.

Wow, 2m is really good.

Good luck with your rolling hop.


What I find helpful for my rolling hops is this:

Roll towards gap at moderate pace (not at all fast)
On last half revolution increase speed slightly and lean forward
At hopping position snap the wheel up infront of you. Bend your torso as far forward as possible and kick the wheel infront of you. Throw your free arm forwards
Then land.

So in the air your body and uni should form a shape like this : <

or this (red is the person, black is the uni)

rollhop.bmp (163 KB)

2.8m is where it seems that you can’t jump any farther, but I hit a hop that was somewhere REALLLY close to 3m the other day.
sorrry, i just had to get that out, i didn’t think i would get any better at them.

I’ve only been unicycling for seven months, so I could probably double this distance with practice.

Hmm, maybe not. But I’m pretty determined to beat the current world record.


uhm no video of that.
i don’t have a camera, but watch my video if you don’t believe me… its called boing.

i already jump farther than it fairly regularly, but i know there are other people who can do it.
maximus unius’s drawing is a good thing to do, your body should be straight right after you leave the ground, but folded when you hit the ground… my avatar?

Are you planning to set a new record officially?

What other people do it?

I don’t know, i don’t think i will be able to go to any uni conferences

joe hodges has(d) the record
someone broke the official one but it still wasn’t as big as joe’s gap
theres a few other people, but i don’t think anyone has hit 3m flat
the gap in my video where I lay down before it is something like 12-13 feet across and 1- 1 1/2 feet down?

It was not a direct shot, and there was a drop to it (it certainly looked like it).

EDIT: I just watched it again, and it looks like you didn’t make it.

Don’t get me wrong, it looks huuuuge, but I want something a bit more credible.

i did make it, i wish I had a better angle of it though. its really hard to do that gap because you have to turn into it.

Get a good angle HONEST angle, with no drops or complications like that, and do your 3m hop!