Rolling Hop Unispin? Unispin Grind?



Well if you have an eyeball for an avatar you better have vision, otherwise it would be false advertising and I would sue you, even though you aren’t selling anything…:stuck_out_tongue:

Is the eyeball perhaps connected to a brain? He couldn’t have visions if it were just a stray eye ball.

Yes and no.

  1. Saying a trick is impossible is the best way to motivate someone else to do it. It isn’t that a seatpost grind would be impossible, but mostly that it would seem to put an incredible amount of wear & tear on the unicycle. Practicing such a trick over and over would seem likely to grind right through the post, so by the time you could actually make it back to the seat it would fold over and potentially leave you with a post up your butt.

But it’s still not impossible. If one is going to practice seatpost grinds, one needs to reinforce the seatpost. Or make a thing on the side of the unicycle somewhere that can hook onto a grinding surface and is made to take the friction.

  1. Nobody talked about riding street before someone already did it. People have been doing tricks out in the world all along, but the definition of “street” as it seems to be known today came about from the style of riding shown in the Universe videos. This started in 1999, and I don’t think anyone was talking about street riding at the time.

So go and grind down your seat posts!

thanks for reminding me about that. I was trying to stall like that a while ago. I have a 26" frame on my street uni. I was trying to stall on the frame near the tire where there are two tubes. It was hard to get into, and I’m not sure how I would get out of it, but the plan was to be able to grind like that. I’ll have to get back to work on it.

Ok, I don’t know what’s out there for grinds but unispin in and unispin out in one grind has been done. Just 180’s. Kevin’s done 180 grind 180 out. Foot plant grinds, footplant crankflip grinds, and rotators into grinds are what i can think of that are pretty tight, and harder than most. So if you know of another grind intro or outro tell me. I’m out of ideas, lol. laters


Also crankflip into grinds, revs into grinds and 1 footed revs into grinds are some other things i can think of.


I can do a backwards wheel-rev into a grind…just not onto a handrail…