Richmond, VA ride December 20th!!!!

Medium! Woo Hoo!

large for me

this thing is gonna be great, just gotta go learn to jump…

large i guess

it looks as though me and nick will not be able to come down as we cant get a ride. Is chris wonderly going? he drove nick home from the NJ Muni weekend. Maybe he can get us down there. if not we cant come.

i have not heard from chris so he probably cant come. sorry that we wont see you guys.

Medium shirt for me.


yeah me and nick wont be able to make it. ill take a extra large shirt lol. even though we cant come be sure to pst here for all future events. we will try to come. i guess we’ll see some of you guy at motorama?

Trip, Zach, and I were at Belle Isle yesterday checking out the condition of everything. The Mighty James River was definately a few feet higher than usual, so most of the rocks are submerged or seperated by fast moving rapids: good for kayaks, bad for trials unicycling. There’s still a lot of good trials lines to be found on the south side of the island though.

The trails were just a little moist, but except for a few large puddles weren’t too muddy. It might snow in Richmond a little today, but it’s suppose to be nice tomorrow. A few trails are completely blocked off by fallen trees, but all in all the trails look pretty good.

Man, this is gonna be a lot of fun. If you didn’t get the directions, they’re on a previous page in this thread. If you get lost in the concrete jungles of Richmond, I’ll have a cell phone at hand: 703-568-3944.

Awesome, see everybody tomorrow!