Quote of the day (from non-riders)

I love it when these chance occurances happen. Here is one of mine:

Indeed, that is a whole thread on exactly those types of events. In addition to the above, I have on occasion bumped into or spotted other unicyclists in Norway. Sometimes people I did not know but came to know latter on, including one of @PedalSprell’s old uni friends, Vidar (not on this forum AFAIK)

When I saw Vidar cycle past me for the first time I was having a coffee with someone who I did not know well and who did not know I was a unicyclist. However, I had turned up on a unicycle, much to my acquaintance’s surprise. While we sat outside the coffee shop chatting, Vidar cycled by. The person I sat with said, “Is unicycling a big thing then in Oslo these days?”. I replied “no”, then paused for a bit and said, “umm… I don’t think so, anyway!?”

Anyway, years later I met Vidar and pieced together it was him who cycled past that day. Indeed here is a photo of me with Vidar (he is in the middle, @PedalSprell is on the left and I am on the right).

I have also had chance encounters with @Erlend_Loe, though I did know him at the time. Indeed on one occasion I cycled up behind him and said some rude comment about how he must have lost a wheel. Because, you know… you have to, right!? :laughing:

And that brings my post back on topic because I was on a penny farthing at the time and hence a non (unicycle) rider… at least for that day. :wink:


I have several unusual interactions lately.

Two weeks ago, at work, a colleague told me she saw me on the seaside, and when she told her husband she knew me (we see each other once or twice a month), he told her that I was world champion and started explaining some of the competitions. (I do apparently I have fans).

Last week, I went to an office, and when leaving, a woman with her children explained them that this was a “bike with one wheel”, and they just stood there kind of speechless while a car was letting them cross the road I used that to cross the road, go back on the bikeway and ride back home.

And, this weekend, I was with a begginer (he used to ride a 20 / 24er, but moved on to 29er) I am kind of training, and a guy told us that that was really cool cause we had one wheel each. I replied “Yes, that’s actually a tandem”, and was pretty proud because I never had the opportunity to say this exact quote (I was either alone or we passed people too fast to have time to answer), and was looking forward to it.

I also had a “you’ve lost a wheel” a few weeks ago and was actually surprised, because I hadn’t had any since a actually quite long time (that is one of the main pros to going fast since people don’t have time to see you, realise what you are, think of a sentence, say it while I am close enough to hear it), and it came from a person coming on a bike from the other way while I was going pretty fast (between 25 and 30 kph). This person had probably seen me before, thought about it and waited until seeing me to shout it.

I would tend to agree with you there. I just have this mental image of leaving parts of your toes and top of your foot smeared across the road with flip flops on a unicycle. Stubbing your toe is bad enough!

However at least I don’t think you get SPD flip-flops – SPD sandals seem like a bad enough idea to me to be honest :slight_smile:


When you get these rude comments, keep in mind that it might just be me. :person_shrugging:


Yeah, dont diss flip flops as “uni-wear”. While i am nowhere near as fast i have done a very decent 500 m climb at 10 % and decent brakeless with my 30 € luxurious purple belgian flip flops.

I was actually using them as my main footwear for a week until i misplaced them in the wilderness. If anyone finds them please let me know!


I was out riding my unguni 29" with 110mm cranks the other day at very high cadence (which I’ll admit looks very goofy – I can’t wait for my Schlumpf so I can look more dignified at the same speed!) when I was passed by two bicyclists on my left.

One, an older gentleman, said “Got room for two? You headed to Aspen, Colorado?”

To which I replied, “No, this isn’t Dumb and Dumber!”

I assume he was referencing the scene where Harry & Loyd slowly ride a moped all the way from Kansas to Aspen, CO.

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“Well you’re the bad-assiest badass we’ve seen today” - one of a pair of hikers, as I crested a particularly steep bit of a mountain bike trail yesterday. I was too winded from the climb and focused on an imminent steep descent to respond with more than a smile, but it made my day!


“That’s so cool.” and gives me a fist bump as I pass him.

“Oh no way. Dope.” from some kids.

Both are better than the day before. Had an angsty driver honking at the vehicle stopped front of him as I crossed the sidewalk. I waved politely at him and made eye contact as he went past. He flipped me off and drove on. Obviously a neglected child that was dropped on his head several times, methinks deliberately.