Quote of the day (from non-riders)

Yes*. * = Dominant left foot is not very practiced or clean.

I practice my dominant side first solely to figure out how to do a trick. Then switch to non-dominant until it becomes easy on that side. Lastly I return to dominant side to learn it to parity. That way I can do either side.

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Two quotes from two separate cyclists from the other day:

Me riding 36er

One: “That can’t possibly be productive!”

  • serious tone, forgetting that people might enjoy a challenge

Two: “It’ll never catch on!”

  • jokey face, smiling

I was having too much fun in both cases to expend any mental energy on a reply - but it was at least a relief to hear something original :sweat_smile:

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But two wheels are for beginners are they not?

I don’t understand about carrying a spare around with me

Yes, that’s True. Habe a nice day, with unicycling.

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during my ride Saturday, I had what was to date the best one yet, making ground on a jogger when he looked back and saw me, as I got almost on him he turned around and started jogging backwards and held out his thumb hitchhiking, :rofl: I almost fell off I was laughing so hard and definitely gave him and thumbs up for that one


Had a nice conversation about learning to ride with a man in the park today while out riding with my daughter. ‘Cheaper than a bike I suppose’ he said. ‘Yes’ I replied… ‘half the price’ :rofl:


One that I’ve never understood, but gotten surprisingly much is “do a backflip”. “Do a wheelie makes more sense”, but I’ve gotten the backflip comment several times recently and it just doesn’t make sense.


I was out with my foster dog, who was pulling like crazy, and passed a family with a couple of small kids.

Kid number 1: Look! A man with a unicycle! And a dog!

Kid number 2: I see that almost every day.

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Q: Where’s you’re other wheel?
A: Wife got it in the divorce.

That’s become my normal response.

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Yeah I got this one too a few times recently and was very confused

Can I have your unicorn horn? Why yes. Yes you can.

Get out there and make somebody’s day special when you get the chance.


Girl maybe 5 years old with her kick scooter just up my street playing with her ~14 year old sister with a skateboard said I was riding a TRICYCLE today.

But a boy maybe 4 years old said “Look, UNICYCLE” as he saw me riding on the street. His mum wondered how he knew that word.

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A sunny Sunday morning on G26, lots of cyclists on the tracks, some slightly different quotes to report…

Overtaking cyclist: “No more chains brother!”
Oncoming recumbent trike: “You’re missing TWO wheels”'.


Today’s comment - I’ll categorise it is semi-mean spirited but funny-original:

“Yer back tyre’s flat mate!”



This is an old one, but:
We got my daughter a b*ke for her 10th bday, and took it for a spin around the neighborhood, with me following along on my 36" uni.
Dude outside the coffee shop saw me and called out, “Nice ride!”
Alex, proud of her new ride, hollered back, “Thanks, it’s a 10-speed!”


I almost can hear an Aussie accent!

a guy the other day: “You’ve lost a wheel?” then “… ok you may have heard that one a thousand times :smile:
A lady hiking in the woods: “Hmm! lost some parts?” (almost naughty wink) → Me : “happily there are still some left”


A fellow out cutting firewood had to call off his dog from chasing me down the forest road. “Get back here now, he’s only got one wheel! He’s cooler than most.”:hugs:


Riding at the park past an older gentleman “That is perfect.” It appears the older folk appreciate the one wheeled madness.

A couple weeks back I heard a teenager call out to his friends “Yo. Bruh. It’s the unicycle dude.”

“Look it’s a unicycle” to which I respond with an exaggerated “What! Where?” followed with manicly looking for the elusive uni rider.

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Foreign guy pointing at my uni, while I was waiting for the train: “This is what we often miss today - balance”. He didn’t mean balance in the physical sense, though. Rather in the sense of balance of mind.
Seeing what’s going on in the world today, I couldn’t agree more.