Quote of the day (from non-riders)


Made it up a steep hill for the first time ever. There were a bunch of high schoolers hanging out next to the trail. They started hollering “Yeah!” when I was halfway up the hill. At that point, I really didn’t want to stumble. As I approached the crest of the hill, more people joined in the cheering. Right as I crested the hill, I passed a young woman, and she said “Cool!” Anyway, in my 2+ years of riding, that was probably the biggest “thrill of victory” that could have also been the biggest “agony of defeat”. I figured the high schoolers would come down pretty hard on me if I failed.

:slight_smile: Well done

Older couple sitting on a bench: “You lost your other half!”
But Jacquie was ahead of me. Perfect! So I got to reply “nope, she’s just ahead of me.” :sunglasses:

when I rode giraffes in parades, I would often get “how do you get off?”
I would say something like " sorry, but I don’t even know you" or “that’s a little too personal”
(Also works for “how to you get down?”

No one says a thing when you’re on your b*ke

Kind of off-topic, but I went on a 10 mile bke ride with my family yesterday. Tons of people out on the trail on Memorial Day. I hadn’t done more than ride around the block on a bke since starting unicycling. Anyway, regarding the quotes from non-riders, I got NONE (no “you’re my hero”, “that looks challenging”, etc.), which was a little depressing. OMG, I must be an attention whore!

At a city park about a week ago, there was a serious-looking young man pushing a measuring wheel around the paved loop that circles the lake there, measuring the course for a running event or bicycle race or something. I had a strong urge to shout, “You need to put some pedals on your unicycle.” But better judgement prevailed, or lack of guts maybe.

A toddler told me to be careful the other day on a trail.

While pushing uni to top of trail I came upon a dog without leash coming at me then a 24 year old hard body woman with audio ear plug. First I watch this short dog run past me then she pulls up her run and while pulling out her ear plug says. “Ok…How far do you get with that thing?”
My response to her was all the way down and back up some or something like that. She then replied, “That is awesome” then she bolts away. Probably to catch up to her dog.

We often get that on our local bike paths. People can see it’s a road machine, and the most common phrasing is “How far do you go on that?”

My canned answer is “All the way.”

Then I sometimes add “…to the car.” :slight_smile:

You could have said: “It depends how impressed she is”:wink:

“Yeah, but could you do it after 10 pints?”

in reply I went all wobbly “maybe, but it would be like this”

“You lost your pedals” would’ve been appropriate if you were on your uni.

During this morning’s commute a two-wheeler who asked me for my pump.

He told me that I am riding an „ambitious vehicle” and that he tried to learn to unicycle with his kids and had failed.

Yes, I’ll use that! :slight_smile:

Don’t you know anything? It was a rare example of a seated BC wheel.

I always suspected unicyclists make jokes about BC wheel riders having lost their pedals. Don’t you just hate it when people make jokes out of your obscure sport?

And I thought my Club saddle got uncomfortable after awhile.

Sure enough! I guess he could have sat on the plastic handle he was using to push it if he really wanted to, but he’d have to want to really badly. I don’t mind the saddle on my Avenir that people have complained about but even with my iron butt…

Little girl almost screaming at the park: “Mommy, MOMMY! How is that even POSSIBLE!?!?!?!?”

I’ve heard that too.

I think it broke her brain. She was so distressed! A lot of kids are surprised or excited, but she was horrified. That’s the first time I’ve gotten that kind of reaction!

“Here come dat boi!”

I heard this a few weeks ago as I was chugging up the pedestrian bridge here in Nashville. I was not yet familiar with the meme. I’m thinking It may have been followed by the usual next line, which I’ll not repeat here for “family friendliness” reasons.

On a related note, The Unipiper has actually dressed as that character. I have not.